R client for opensensemap.org
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jan 5f56fe33c1 added short german introduction to the package 1 year ago
.aspell hello CRAN :^| 6 years ago
R changed T to TRUE 1 year ago
inst/doc added short german introduction to the package 1 year ago
man ensure archive resource is available 1 year ago
tests changed T and F to TRUE and FALSE 1 year ago
tools/monitr change references to sensebox org 6 years ago
vignettes added short german introduction to the package 1 year ago
.Rbuildignore ignore files not allowed at top level 1 year ago
.gitattributes add .gitattributes 7 years ago
.gitignore ignore cran-comments 1 year ago
.lintr changed T and F to TRUE and FALSE 1 year ago
.travis.yml attempt to build vignettes on travis 6 years ago
CONDUCT.md Update Code of Conduct 💣 6 years ago
DESCRIPTION updated license 1 year ago
NAMESPACE document osem_measurements_archive 6 years ago
NEWS.md updated NEWS 1 year ago
README.md added short german introduction to the package 1 year ago
appveyor.yml add appveyor config 6 years ago
codecov.yml add codecov configuration 6 years ago



CRAN status Travis build status AppVeyor Build status

This R package ingests data from the API of opensensemap.org for analysis in R.

Features include:

  • osem_boxes(): fetch sensor station ("box") metadata, with various filters
  • osem_measurements(): fetch measurements by phenomenon, with various filters such as submitting spatial extent, time range, sensor type, box, exposure..
    • no time frame limitation through request paging!
  • many helper functions to help understand the queried data
  • caching queries for reproducibility

The package aims to be compatible with the tidyverse and sf, so it is easy to analyze or vizualize the data with state of the art packages.


Complete documentation is provided via the R help system: Each function's documentation can be viewed with ?<function-name>. A comprehensive overview of all functions is given in ?opensensmapr.

There are also vignettes showcasing applications of this package:

If you used this package for an analysis and think it could serve as a good example or showcase, feel free to add a vignette to the package via a PR!


The package is available on CRAN, install it via


To install the very latest versions from GitHub, run:

devtools::install_github('sensebox/opensensmapr@master')      # latest stable version
devtools::install_github('sensebox/opensensmapr@development') # bleeding edge version


This project adheres to semantic versioning, for changes in recent versions please consult NEWS.md.

Contributing & Development

Contributions are very welcome! When submitting a patch, please follow the existing code stlye, and run R CMD check --no-vignettes . on the package. Where feasible, also add tests for the added / changed functionality in tests/testthat.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

development environment

To set up the development environment for testing and checking, all suggested packages should be installed. On linux, these require some system dependencies:

# install dependencies for sf (see https://github.com/r-spatial/sf#installing)
sudo dnf install gdal-devel proj-devel proj-epsg proj-nad geos-devel udunits2-devel

# install suggested packages
R -e "install.packages(c('maps', 'maptools', 'tibble', 'rgeos', 'sf',
    'knitr', 'rmarkdown', 'lubridate', 'units', 'jsonlite', 'ggplot2',
    'zoo', 'lintr', 'testthat', 'covr')"


To build the package, either use devtools::build() or run

R CMD build .

Next, run the tests and checks:

R CMD check --as-cran ../opensensmapr_*.tar.gz
# alternatively, if you're in a hurry:
R CMD check --no-vignettes ../opensensmapr_*.tar.gz


To create a release:

  1. make sure you are on master branch
  2. run the tests and checks as described above
  3. bump the version in DESCRIPTION
  4. update NEWS.md
  5. rebuild the documentation: R -e 'devtools::document()'
  6. build the package again with the new version: R CMD build . --no-build-vignettes
  7. tag the commit with the new version: git tag v0.5.0
  8. push changes: git push && git push --tags
  9. wait for all CI tests to complete successfully (helps in the next step)
  10. upload the new release to CRAN
  11. get back to the enjoyable parts of your life & hope you won't get bad mail next week.


GPL-2.0 - Norwin Roosen