This R package ingests data from the API of [][osem] for analysis in R.
Features include:
-`osem_boxes()`: fetch sensor station ("box") metadata, with various filters
-`osem_measurements()`: fetch measurements by phenomenon, with various filters such as submitting spatial extent, time range, sensor type, box, exposure..
- no time frame limitation through request paging!
- many helper functions to help understand the queried data
- caching queries for reproducibility
The package aims to be compatible with the [`tidyverse`][tidy] and [`sf`][sf],
so it is easy to analyze or vizualize the data with state of the art packages.
## Usage
Complete documentation is provided via the R help system:
Each function's documentation can be viewed with `?<function-name>`.
A comprehensive overview of all functions is given in `?opensensmapr`.
There are also vignettes showcasing applications of this package:
- [Visualising the History of][osem-history]: Showcase of `opensensmapr` with `dplyr` + `ggplot2`
- [Exploring the openSenseMap dataset][osem-intro]: Showcase of included helper functions