update links and ignores

jan 1 year ago
parent 37d4dde1d6
commit a22c46ba14

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ devtools::install_github('sensebox/opensensmapr@development') # bleeding edge ve
## Changelog
This project adheres to semantic versioning, for changes in recent versions please consult [CHANGES.md](CHANGES.md).
This project adheres to semantic versioning, for changes in recent versions please consult [NEWS.md](NEWS.md).
## Contributing & Development
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ To create a release:
0. make sure you are on master branch
1. run the tests and checks as described above
2. bump the version in `DESCRIPTION`
3. update `CHANGES.md`
3. update `NEWS.md`
3. rebuild the documentation: `R -e 'devtools::document()'`
4. build the package again with the new version: `R CMD build . --no-build-vignettes`
5. tag the commit with the new version: `git tag v0.5.0`
