update hyperlinks

jan 1 year ago
parent 8393048957
commit 4e1b5d6389

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ osem_archive_endpoint = function () {
#' This function is significantly faster than \code{\link{osem_measurements}} for large
#' time-frames, as daily CSV dumps for each sensor from
#' \href{http://archive.opensensemap.org}{archive.opensensemap.org} are used.
#' \href{https://archive.opensensemap.org}{archive.opensensemap.org} are used.
#' Note that the latest data available is from the previous day.
#' By default, data for all sensors of a box is fetched, but you can select a

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ There are also vignettes showcasing applications of this package:
- [Exploring the openSenseMap dataset][osem-intro]: Showcase of included helper functions
- [Caching openSenseMap Data for reproducibility][osem-serialization]
[osem-intro]: https://sensebox.github.com/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-intro.html
[osem-history]: https://sensebox.github.com/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-history.html
[osem-serialization]: https://sensebox.github.com/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-serialization.html
[osem-intro]: https://sensebox.github.io/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-intro.html
[osem-history]: https://sensebox.github.io/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-history.html
[osem-serialization]: https://sensebox.github.io/opensensmapR/inst/doc/osem-serialization.html
If you used this package for an analysis and think it could serve as a good
example or showcase, feel free to add a vignette to the package via a [PR](#contribute)!

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ggplot(exposure_counts, aes(x = createdAt, y = count, colour = exposure)) +
Outdoor boxes are growing *fast*!
We can also see the introduction of `mobile` sensor "stations" in 2017. While
mobile boxes are still few, we can expect a quick rise in 2018 once the new
[senseBox MCU with GPS support is released](https://sensebox.de/blog/2018-03-06-senseBox_MCU).
senseBox MCU with GPS support is released.
Let's have a quick summary:
```{r exposure_summary}
