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# feature ideas
- pluggable cli: commands for image, text, shader rendering
- support animations / frame concept
- visualization client
- CnC: server distributes jobs to connected clients
- or fully P2P using [2D CAN / Z-ordercurve adressing]( (p2p implementation needed)
- webassembly port?
- use userland tcp stack (e.g. or even
# performance considerations
- server limitations: rendering is bottleneck. maybe artificial limitations (commands per draw, connections per IP, queue)
- when network isn't bottleneck: fetch each pixel & only send updates for wrong color (?)
- sync sending with draw frequency (?)
- use virtual subnets for more IPs (ipv6?) (?)
- client limitations: PCI bus is bottleneck? depends on HW I guess
- precompute everything
- distribute across cores for max PCI bus saturation (?)
- network limitations: packet size, ACKs, congestion
- treat benchmarks on `loopback` with care, it has no packet size limitation. real world interfaces will enforce a max size of 1514 bytes [1]
- avoid packet split if >1514B (?)
- use `TCP_NODELAY` (?)
- cognitive limitations: draw order
- randomized pixel order should give a better idea of the image with equal dominance (?)
# concept: CLI for distributed hochwasser v2
> pixelflut endlich *durchgespielt*
hochwasser --server
provide [type] [input] --effect --offset --scale --port --nosend
subscribe --connections --shuffle --diffmode
view --fullscreen
- CLI via ``
- `--server` refers to pixelflut server or hochwasser jobprovider, depending on mode
- jobprovider has different input types (`image`, `text`, `shader`?), each is parsed into an `image.GIF`
- jobprovider also sends image itself?
- when subscriber connects to jobprovider, `GIF` is split up, and (re)distributed to all subscribers
- protocol: (address,offset,imgdata) serialized with `gob`?
- viewer fetches into framebuffer, renders via opengl?