CI deploy to gh-pages

Travis-CI 8 years ago
commit fd368092d7

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" id="Layer_1" width="512" height="512" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M288 128h-64v141.3l105.4 105.3 45.2-45.3-86.6-86.6V128zM256 0C114.6 0 0 114.6 0 256s114.6 256 256 256 256-114.6 256-256S397.4 0 256 0zm0 448c-106 0-192-86-192-192S150 64 256 64s192 86 192 192-86 192-192 192z"/></svg>


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<svg xmlns="" width="512" height="512" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="#D04003" d="M512 32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H32C14.3 0 0 14.3 0 32v448c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h448c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V32z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M289.5 434.7c-.1-10.3 2.6-19.2 7-28.5-9.2 8.1-12.8 17.3-16.2 29.8.9-14.6 8-110.4 8-115.2 24.5-70 13.6-279 44.8-305.1-36 6.5-48.2 43.3-59.7 72.5-11.4-34.3-2.4-56.1-40.2-68.1 30.2 25.6 24.2 47.6 30.4 83-18.1-23.5-12.5-52.8-33.3-76.8-5.9-6.1-25.5-21-25.5-21 0 .9 15.7 32.3 18.6 48.9 2.9 16.6 9.8 49.8 8.8 62 2.6 67.8 19.6 133.5 31.3 200 2 11.4 7.8 44.5 7.8 44.5l1.3 13.8c-2.1-9.1-4.1-17.3-5.2-20.8-3.4-10-11.8-35.4-13.7-45.8-28.5-58.6-80.6-173.5-150.2-190.4 39.5 35 82 81.2 91.5 125.8-21.2-29.8-104.6-93.4-138.5-116.6 63.9 66.3 115.2 135 170.8 208.7 16.2 21 36.3 63.3 37.7 72.9 1.1 7.1 2.4 33.6 3.2 49.9-31.1-75.1-48.1-113.2-105.5-146.8-9.8-5.2-40.2-15.7-40.2-15.7 13.8 15.2 30.7 16.1 43.3 37.3-26.1-17.1-53.2-20.1-83-21.1 95.7 49.5 147.5 63.3 179.7 158.4 2.6 15.6-1.4 27.8-1 41.8h21.2c-.1-10 .1-19.6 0-21.6 1.1-6.6 1.3-26.6 4.2-32.7 10-25.4 26.2-37.4 48.8-52.2-20.3 6.6-30.6 4-46.2 29.1zM384 210.5c-7.8 7.4-31.3 37.2-31.3 37.2 1.3-42 11.9-87 38.7-118.4-37.3 24.4-58.3 84.6-68 121.4-3.8 14.8-47.9 100.7-27.4 146.7 4-16.8 13.5-33.1 24-47.6 4.9-6.6 25.5-39.3 46-86 18.1-47 47.8-74.5 89.6-97.8-31.6 4.8-49.6 23-71.6 44.5zm7.3-81.2z"/></svg>


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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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