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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/opensensmapr.R
\title{opensensmapr: Work with sensor data from}
The opensensmapr package provides three categories functions:
\item retrieval of senseBoxes
\item retrieval of measurements
\item general stats about the openSenseMap database
\section{Retrieving senseBox metadata}{
\section{Retrieving measurements}{
\section{Retrieving statistics}{
\section{Working with spatial data from openSenseMap}{
Useful links:
\item \url{}
\item Report bugs at \url{}

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
\title{Convert a \code{sensebox} or \code{osem_measurements} dataframe to an
\code{\link[sf]{st_sf}} object.}
osem_as_sf(x, ...)
\item{x}{The object to convert}
\item{...}{maybe more objects to convert}
The object with an st_geometry column attached.
Convert a \code{sensebox} or \code{osem_measurements} dataframe to an
\code{\link[sf]{st_sf}} object.

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/box.R
\title{Get a single senseBox by its ID}
osem_box(boxId, endpoint = "")
\item{boxId}{A string containing a senseBox ID}
\item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API instance}
A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row
Get a single senseBox by its ID
# get a specific box by ID
b = osem_box('593bcd656ccf3b0011791f5a')
\href{}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)}

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/box.R
\title{Get a set of senseBoxes from the openSenseMap}
osem_boxes(exposure = NA, model = NA, grouptag = NA, date = NA,
from = NA, to = NA, phenomenon = NA,
endpoint = "")
\item{exposure}{Only return boxes with the given exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile')}
\item{model}{Only return boxes with the given model}
\item{grouptag}{Only return boxes with the given grouptag}
\item{date}{Only return boxes that were measuring within ±4 hours of the given time}
\item{from}{Only return boxes that were measuring later than this time}
\item{to}{Only return boxes that were measuring earlier than this time}
\item{phenomenon}{Only return boxes that measured the given phenomenon in the
time interval as specified through \code{date} or \code{from / to}}
\item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API instance}
A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row
Boxes can be selected by a set of filters.
Note that some filters do not work together:
\item \code{phenomenon} can only be applied together with \code{date} or
\code{from / to}
\item \code{date} and \code{from / to} cannot be specified together
# get *all* boxes available on the API
b = osem_boxes()
# get all boxes with grouptag 'ifgi' that are placed outdoors
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor')
# get all boxes that have measured PM2.5 in the last 4 hours
b = osem_boxes(date = Sys.time(), phenomenon = 'PM2.5')
\href{}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)}

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/counts.R
\title{Get count statistics of the openSenseMap Instance}
osem_counts(endpoint = "")
\item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API}
A named \code{list} containing the counts
Provides information on number of senseBoxes, measurements, and measurements per minute.
Note that the API caches these values for 5 minutes.
\href{}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)}

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/measurement.R
\title{Get the Measurements of a Phenomenon on}
osem_measurements(x, ...)
\method{osem_measurements}{default}(x, ...)
\method{osem_measurements}{bbox}(x, phenomenon, exposure = NA, from = NA,
to = NA, columns = NA, ..., endpoint = "")
\method{osem_measurements}{sensebox}(x, phenomenon, exposure = NA,
from = NA, to = NA, columns = NA, ...,
endpoint = "")
\item{x}{Depending on the method, either
\item a \code{chr} specifying the phenomenon, see \code{phenomenon}
\item a \code{\link[sf]{st_bbox}} to select sensors spatially,
\item a \code{sensebox data.frame} to select boxes from which
measurements will be retrieved,
\item{...}{see parameters below}
\item{phenomenon}{The phenomenon to retrieve measurements for}
\item{exposure}{Filter sensors by their exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile')}
\item{from}{A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval}
\item{to}{A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval}
\item{columns}{Select specific column in the output (see oSeM documentation)}
\item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API}
An \code{osem_measurements data.frame} containing the
requested measurements
Measurements can be retrieved either for a set of boxes, or through a spatial
bounding box filter. To get all measurements, the \code{default} function applies
a bounding box spanning the whole world.
\section{Methods (by class)}{
\item \code{default}: Get measurements from \strong{all} senseBoxes.
\item \code{bbox}: Get measurements by a spatial filter.
\item \code{sensebox}: Get measurements from a set of senseBoxes.
# get measurements from all boxes
# get measurements from sensors within a bounding box
bbox = structure(c(7, 51, 8, 52), class = 'bbox')
osem_measurements(bbox, 'Temperatur')
points = sf::st_multipoint(matrix(c(7, 8, 51, 52), 2, 2))
bbox2 = sf::st_bbox(points)
osem_measurements(bbox2, 'Temperatur', exposure = 'outdoor')
# get measurements from a set of boxes
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi')
osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur')
# ...or a single box
b = osem_box('593bcd656ccf3b0011791f5a')
osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur')
\href{}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)}

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/phenomena.R
\title{Get the counts of sensors for each observed phenomenon.}
\item{boxes}{A \code{sensebox data.frame} of boxes}
A named \code{list} containing the count of sensors observing a
phenomenon per phenomenon
Get the counts of sensors for each observed phenomenon.
\section{Methods (by class)}{
\item \code{sensebox}: Get counts of sensors observing each phenomenon
from a set of senseBoxes.
# get the phenomena for a single senseBox
# get the phenomena for a group of senseBoxes
osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor', date = Sys.time())
# get phenomena with at least 10 sensors on opensensemap
phenoms = osem_phenomena(osem_boxes())
names(phenoms[phenoms > 9])