You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
4.4 KiB

# ==============================================================================
# getters for the opensensemap API.
# the awesome httr library does all the curling, query and response parsing.
# for CSV responses (get_measurements) the readr package is a hidden dependency
# ==============================================================================
#' Get the default openSenseMap API endpoint
#' @export
#' @return A character string with the HTTP URL of the openSenseMap API
osem_endpoint = function() {
get_boxes_ = function (..., endpoint) {
response = osem_get_resource(endpoint, path = c('boxes'), ...)
if (length(response) == 0) {
warning('no senseBoxes found for this query')
# parse each list element as sensebox & combine them to a single data.frame
boxesList = lapply(response, parse_senseboxdata)
df = dplyr::bind_rows(boxesList)
df$exposure = df$exposure %>% as.factor()
df$model = df$model %>% as.factor()
if (!is.null(df$grouptag))
df$grouptag = df$grouptag %>% as.factor()
get_box_ = function (boxId, endpoint, ...) {
osem_get_resource(endpoint, path = c('boxes', boxId), ..., progress = FALSE) %>%
parse_measurement_csv = function (resText) {
# parse the CSV response manually & mute readr
result = readr::read_csv(resText, col_types = readr::cols(
# factor as default would raise issues with concatenation of multiple requests
.default = readr::col_character(),
createdAt = readr::col_datetime(),
value = readr::col_double(),
lat = readr::col_double(),
lon = readr::col_double(),
height = readr::col_double()
get_measurements_ = function (..., endpoint) {
osem_get_resource(endpoint, c('boxes', 'data'), ..., type = 'text') %>%
get_stats_ = function (endpoint, cache) {
result = osem_get_resource(endpoint, path = c('stats'), progress = FALSE, cache = cache)
names(result) = c('boxes', 'measurements', 'measurements_per_minute')
#' Get any resource from openSenseMap API, possibly cache the response
#' @param host API host
#' @param path resource URL
#' @param ... All other parameters interpreted as request query parameters
#' @param type Passed to httr; 'parsed' to return an R object from the response, 'text for a raw response
#' @param progress Boolean whether to print download progress information
#' @param cache Optional path to a directory were responses will be cached. If not NA, no requests will be made when a request for the given is already cached.
#' @return Result of a Request to openSenseMap API
#' @noRd
osem_get_resource = function (host, path, ..., type = 'parsed', progress = T, cache = NA) {
query = list(...)
if (! {
filename = osem_cache_filename(path, query, host) %>% paste(cache, ., sep = '/')
if (file.exists(filename))
res = osem_request_(host, path, query, type, progress)
if (! saveRDS(res, filename)
osem_cache_filename = function (path, query = list(), host = osem_endpoint()) {
httr::modify_url(url = host, path = path, query = query) %>%
digest::digest(algo = 'sha1') %>%
paste('osemcache', ., 'rds', sep = '.')
#' Purge cached responses from the given cache directory
#' @param location A path to the cache directory, defaults to the
#' sessions' \code{tempdir()}
#' @return Boolean whether the deletion was successful
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' osem_boxes(cache = tempdir())
#' osem_clear_cache()
#' cachedir = paste(getwd(), 'osemcache', sep = '/')
#' osem_boxes(cache = cachedir)
#' osem_clear_cache(cachedir)
#' }
osem_clear_cache = function (location = tempdir()) {
list.files(location, pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds') %>%
lapply(function (f) file.remove(paste(location, f, sep = '/'))) %>%
unlist() %>%
osem_request_ = function (host, path, query = list(), type = 'parsed', progress = TRUE) {
7 years ago
progress = if (progress && !is_non_interactive()) httr::progress() else NULL
res = httr::GET(host, progress, path = path, query = query)
if (httr::http_error(res)) {
content = httr::content(res, 'parsed', encoding = 'UTF-8')
stop(if ('message' %in% names(content)) content$message else httr::status_code(res))
content = httr::content(res, type, encoding = 'UTF-8')