test implementations

noerw 7 years ago
parent f5809325a6
commit bd0d8b403d

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Package: opensensemap
Type: Package
Title: Work with Sensor Data from opensensemap.org in R
Version: 0.1.0
Imports: lubridate, httr, sf
Author: Norwin Roosen
Maintainer: Norwin Roosen <noerw@gmx.de>
Description: This packages ingests data (measurements, sensorstations) from the
API of opensensemap.org and transforms them into easy to use data.tables.
It uses the sf package for spatial handling of datapoints and aims to be
compatible with the tidyverse.
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# does not actually get called by the user. ... contains all the query parameters.
# the proxy is just for parameter autocompletion, filtering out the endpoint
get_boxes_ = function (..., endpoint) {
response = httr::GET(endpoint, path = c('boxes'), query = list(...)) %>%
httr::content() %>%
if (length(response) == 0) {
warning('no boxes found for this query')
# parse each list element as sensebox & combine them to a single data.frame
# bind_rows() kills the attributes and classes of sf_sfc column, and warns
# about that. see https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/49
# we readd the attributes manually afterwards, so we can ignore the warnings.
# rbind() wouldn't have this problem, but would be far slower and con't
# handle missing columns, so this seems like a good tradeoff..
boxesList = lapply(response, parse_senseboxdata)
suppressWarnings({ data = dplyr::bind_rows(boxesList) })
data$geometry = sf::st_sfc(data$geometry, crs = 4326)
#sf::st_geometry(data) = sf::st_sfc(data$geometry, crs = 4326)
get_box_ = function (..., endpoint) {
httr::GET(endpoint, path = c('boxes', ...)) %>%
httr::content() %>%
osem_remote_error() %>%
get_measurements_ = function (..., endpoint) {
httr::GET(endpoint, path = c('boxes', 'data'), query = list(...)) %>%
httr::content() %>%
get_stats_ = function (endpoint) {
result = httr::GET(endpoint, path = c('stats')) %>%
httr::content() %>%
names(result) = c('boxes', 'measurements', 'measurements_per_minute')

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
osem_remote_error = function (response) {
if (!is.null(response$code)) stop(response$message)
date_as_isostring = function (date) {
# as_datetime is required so UTC times are always returned
# TODO: check if we can get along without lubridate dependency?
lubridate::as_datetime(date) %>% format.Date(format = '%FT%TZ')

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
`%>%` = magrittr::`%>%`
osem_boxes = function (exposure = NA, model = NA, grouptag = NA,
date = NA, from = NA, to = NA, phenomenon = NA,
endpoint = 'https://api.opensensemap.org') {
# error, if phenomenon, but no time given
if (!is.na(phenomenon) && is.na(date) && is.na(to) && is.na(from))
stop('Parameter "phenomenon" can only be used together with "date" or "from"/"to"')
# error, if date and from/to given
if (!is.na(date) && (!is.na(to) || !is.na(from)))
stop('Parameter "date" cannot be used together with "from"/"to"')
# error, if only one of from/to given
if (
(!is.na(to) && is.na(from)) ||
(is.na(to) && !is.na(from))
) {
stop('Parameter "from"/"to" must be used together')
query = list(endpoint = endpoint)
if (!is.na(exposure)) query$exposure = exposure
if (!is.na(model)) query$model = model
if (!is.na(grouptag)) query$grouptag = grouptag
if (!is.na(phenomenon)) query$phenomenon = phenomenon
if (!is.na(to) && !is.na(from)) {
# error, if from is after to
if (lubridate::as_datetime(from) - lubridate::as_datetime(to) > 0)
stop('Parameter "from" must be earlier than "to"')
# convert dates to commaseparated UTC ISOdates
query$date = c(date_as_isostring(from), date_as_isostring(to)) %>%
paste(collapse = ',')
} else if (!is.na(date)) {
query$date = format.Date(lubridate::as_datetime(date), '%FT%TZ')
do.call(get_boxes_, query)
osem_box = function (boxId, endpoint = 'https://api.opensensemap.org') {
get_box_(boxId, endpoint)

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
parse_senseboxdata = function (boxdata) {
# extract nested lists for later use & clean them from the list
# to allow a simple data.frame structure
sensors = boxdata$sensors
location = boxdata$loc
boxdata[c('loc', 'sensors', 'image', 'boxType')] <- NULL
thebox = as.data.frame(boxdata)
# parse timestamps (updatedAt might be not defined)
thebox$createdAt = as.POSIXct(strptime(thebox$createdAt, format='%FT%T', tz = 'GMT'))
if (!is.null(thebox$updatedAt))
thebox$updatedAt = as.POSIXct(strptime(thebox$updatedAt, format='%FT%T', tz = 'GMT'))
# extract metadata from sensors
thebox$phenomena = list(unlist(lapply(sensors, function(s) { s$title })))
# FIXME: if one sensor has NA, max() returns bullshit
thebox$lastMeasurement = max(lapply(sensors, function(s) {
if (!is.null(s$lastMeasurement))
as.POSIXct(strptime(s$lastMeasurement$createdAt, format = '%FT%T', tz = 'GMT'))
# extract coordinates & transform to simple feature object
thebox$lng = location[[1]]$geometry$coordinates[[1]]
thebox$lat = location[[1]]$geometry$coordinates[[2]]
if (length(location[[1]]$geometry$coordinates) == 3)
thebox$height = location[[1]]$geometry$coordinates[[3]]
# sf does not like to combine 2D and 3D coords, so we just use 2D
# IDEA: convert to sf only after rbind?
thebox = sf::st_as_sf(thebox, coords = c('lng', 'lat'), crs = 4326)
# attach a custom class for methods
class(thebox) = c('sensebox', class(thebox))
get_phenomena = function (x, ...) UseMethod('get_phenomena')
get_phenomena.default = function (x, ...) stop('not implemented')
get_phenomena.sensebox = function (x, ...) {
# FIXME: only returns first box for get_boxes!

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
`%>%` = magrittr::`%>%`
plot.sensebox = function (x) {
# TODO: background map?
geom = sf::st_geometry(x)
plot(geom, graticule = st_crs(geom), axes = TRUE)
print.sensebox = function(x) {
important_columns = c('name', 'exposure', 'lastMeasurement', 'phenomena')
data = as.data.frame(x) # to get rid of the sf::`<-[` override..
summary.sensebox = function(x) {
df = as.data.frame(x) # the sf methods are messing with us again..
cat('boxes total:', nrow(df), fill = T)
cat('\nboxes by exposure:')
table(df$exposure) %>% print()
cat('\nboxes by model:')
table(df$model) %>% print()
diffNow = (lubridate::now() - df$lastMeasurement) %>% as.numeric(unit='hours')
neverActive = df[is.na(df$lastMeasurement), ] %>% nrow()
'last_measurement_within' = c(
'1h' = nrow(df[diffNow <= 1, ]) - neverActive,
'1d' = nrow(df[diffNow <= 24, ]) - neverActive,
'30d' = nrow(df[diffNow <= 720, ]) - neverActive,
'365d' = nrow(df[diffNow <= 8760, ]) - neverActive,
'never' = neverActive
) %>%
oldest = df[df$createdAt == min(df$createdAt), ]
newest = df[df$createdAt == max(df$createdAt), ]
cat('oldest box:', format(oldest$createdAt, '%F %T'), paste0('(', oldest$name, ')'), fill = T)
cat('newest box:', format(newest$createdAt, '%F %T'), paste0('(', newest$name, ')'), fill = T)
cat('\nsensors per box:', fill = T)
lapply(df$phenomena, length) %>%
as.numeric() %>%
summary() %>%
osem_phenomena = function (x) UseMethod('osem_phenomena')
osem_phenomena.default = function (x) stop('not implemented')
osem_phenomena.sensebox = function (x) {
Reduce(`c`, x$phenomena) %>% # get all the row contents in a single vector
table() %>% # get the counts
t() %>% # transform the table to an easier to work with df

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
osem_counts = function (endpoint = 'https://api.opensensemap.org') {

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
osem_measurements = function (x, ...) UseMethod('osem_measurements')
osem_measurements.default = function (phenomenon, ...) {
bbox = structure(c(-180, -90, 180, 90), class = 'bbox')
osem_measurements(bbox, phenomenon, ...)
# /boxes/data?bbox=
osem_measurements.bbox = function (bbox, phenomenon, exposure = NA,
from = NA, to = NA,
columns = NA,
endpoint = 'https://api.opensensemap.org') {
query = parse_get_measurements_params(as.list(environment()))
do.call(get_measurements_, query)
# /boxes/data?boxId=1,2,3,4
osem_measurements.sensebox = function (boxes, phenomenon, exposure = NA,
from = NA, to = NA,
columns = NA,
endpoint = 'https://api.opensensemap.org') {
query = parse_get_measurements_params(as.list(environment()))
do.call(get_measurements_, query)
parse_get_measurements_params = function (params) {
if (is.null(params$phenomenon) | is.na(params$phenomenon))
stop('Parameter "phenomenon" is required')
if (!is.na(params$from) && is.na(params$to)) stop('specify "from" only together with "to"')
if (
(!is.null(params$bbox) && !is.null(params$boxes)) ||
(is.null(params$bbox) && is.null(params$boxes))
) stop('Specify either "bbox" or "boxes"')
query = list(endpoint = params$endpoint, phenomenon = params$phenomenon)
if (!is.null(params$boxes)) query$boxIds = paste(params$boxes$X_id, collapse = ',')
if (!is.null(params$bbox)) query$bbox = paste(params$bbox, collapse = ',')
if (!is.na(params$from)) query$`from-date` = date_as_isostring(params$from)
if (!is.na(params$to)) query$`to-date` = date_as_isostring(params$to)
if (!is.na(params$exposure)) query$exposure = params$exposure
if (!is.na(params$columns)) query$columns = paste(params$columns, collapse = ',')