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7 years ago
title: "Analyzing environmental sensor data from in R"
author: "Norwin Roosen"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Analyzing environmental sensor data from in R}
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Analyzing environmental sensor data from in R
This package provides data ingestion functions for almost any data stored on the
7 years ago
open data platform for environemental sensordata <>.
7 years ago
Its main goals are to provide means for:
- big data analysis of the measurements stored on the platform
- sensor metadata analysis (sensor counts, spatial distribution, temporal trends)
> *Please note:* The openSenseMap API is sometimes a bit unstable when streaming
long responses, which results in `curl` complaining about `Unexpected EOF`. This
7 years ago
bug is being worked on upstream. Meanwhile you have to retry the request when
7 years ago
this occurs.
### Exploring the dataset
Before we look at actual observations, lets get a grasp of the openSenseMap
datasets' structure.
all_sensors = osem_boxes()
This gives a good overview already: As of writing this, there are more than 600
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sensor stations, of which ~50% are currently running. Most of them are placed
outdoors and have around 5 sensors each.
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The oldest station is from May 2014, while the latest station was registered a
couple of minutes ago.
Another feature of interest is the spatial distribution of the boxes. `plot()`
can help us out here:
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It seems we have to reduce our area of interest to Germany.
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But what do these sensor stations actually measure? Lets find out.
`osem_phenomena()` gives us a named list of of the counts of each observed
phenomenon for the given set of sensor stations:
phenoms = osem_phenomena(all_sensors)
Thats quite some noise there, with many phenomena being measured by a single
sensor only, or many duplicated phenomena due to slightly different spellings.
We should clean that up, but for now let's just filter out the noise and find
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those phenomena with high sensor numbers:
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phenoms[phenoms > 20]
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Alright, temperature it is! Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) seems to be more
interesting to analyze though.
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We should check how many sensor stations provide useful data: We want only those
boxes with a PM2.5 sensor, that are placed outdoors and are currently submitting
pm25_sensors = osem_boxes(
exposure = 'outdoor',
date = Sys.time(), # ±4 hours
phenomenon = 'PM2.5'
Thats still more than 200 measuring stations, we can work with that.
### Analyzing sensor data
Having analyzed the available data sources, let's finally get some measurements.
We could call `osem_measurements(pm25_sensors)` now, however we are focussing on
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a restricted area of interest, the city of Berlin.
Luckily we can get the measurements filtered by a bounding box:
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7 years ago
7 years ago
# construct a bounding box: 12 kilometers around Berlin
berlin = st_point(c(13.4034, 52.5120)) %>%
st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(3857) %>% # allow setting a buffer in meters
st_buffer(units::set_units(12, km)) %>%
st_transform(4326) %>% # the opensensemap expects WGS 84
pm25 = osem_measurements(
phenomenon = 'PM2.5',
from = now() - days(31), # defaults to 2 days, maximum 31 days
to = now()
Now we can get started with actual spatiotemporal data analysis. First plot the
measuring locations:
pm25_sf = osem_as_sf(pm25)
### Monitoring growth of the dataset
7 years ago
We can get the total size of the dataset using `osem_counts()`. Lets create a
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time series of that.
To do so, we create a function that attaches a timestamp to the data, and adds
the new results to an existing `data.frame`:
build_osem_counts_timeseries = function (existing_data) {
osem_counts() %>%
list(time = Sys.time()) %>% # attach a timestamp %>% # make it a dataframe.
7 years ago
rbind(existing_data) # combine with existing data
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Now we can call it once every few minutes, to build the time series...
osem_counts_ts = data.frame()
osem_counts_ts = build_osem_counts_timeseries(osem_counts_ts)
7 years ago
Once we have some data, we can plot the growth of dataset over time:
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plot(measurements~time, osem_counts_ts)
Further analysis: `TODO`
### Outlook
7 years ago
Next iterations of this package could include the following features:
7 years ago
- improved utility functions (`plot`, `summary`) for measurements and boxes
- better integration of `sf` for spatial analysis
- better scaling data retrieval functions
- auto paging for time frames > 31 days
- API based on <>