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# client for
# in this archive, CSV files for measurements of each sensor per day is provided.
default_archive_url = ''
#' Returns the default endpoint for the archive *download*
#' While the front end domain is, file downloads
#' are provided via sciebo.
osem_archive_endpoint = function () default_archive_url
#' Fetch day-wise measurements for a single box from the openSenseMap archive.
6 years ago
#' This function is significantly faster than \code{\link{osem_measurements}} for large
#' time-frames, as daily CSV dumps for each sensor from
#' \href{}{} are used.
#' Note that the latest data available is from the previous day.
6 years ago
#' By default, data for all sensors of a box is fetched, but you can select a
#' subset with a \code{\link[dplyr]{dplyr}}-style NSE filter expression.
6 years ago
#' The function will warn when no data is available in the selected period,
#' but continue the remaining download.
6 years ago
#' @param x A `sensebox data.frame` of a single box, as retrieved via \code{\link{osem_box}},
#' to download measurements for.
#' @param ... see parameters below
#' @param fromDate Start date for measurement download, must be convertable via `as.Date`.
#' @param toDate End date for measurement download (inclusive).
#' @param sensorFilter A NSE formula matching to \code{x$sensors}, selecting a subset of sensors.
#' @param progress Whether to print download progress information, defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} containing observations of all selected sensors for each time stamp.
6 years ago
#' @seealso \href{}{openSenseMap archive}
#' @seealso \code{\link{osem_measurements}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{osem_box}}
6 years ago
#' @export
osem_measurements_archive = function (x, ...) UseMethod('osem_measurements_archive')
#' @export
osem_measurements_archive.default = function (x, ...) {
# NOTE: to implement for a different class:
# in order to call `archive_fetch_measurements()`, `box` must be a dataframe
# with a single row and the columns `X_id` and `name`
stop(paste('not implemented for class', toString(class(x))))
# ==============================================================================
#' @describeIn osem_measurements_archive Get daywise measurements for one or more sensors of a single box.
#' @export
6 years ago
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # fetch measurements for a single day
#' box = osem_box('593bcd656ccf3b0011791f5a')
#' m = osem_measurements_archive(box, as.POSIXlt('2018-09-13'))
#' # fetch measurements for a date range and selected sensors
#' sensors = ~ phenomenon %in% c('Temperatur', 'Beleuchtungsstärke')
#' m = osem_measurements_archive(
#' box,
#' as.POSIXlt('2018-09-01'), as.POSIXlt('2018-09-30'),
#' sensorFilter = sensors
#' )
#' }
osem_measurements_archive.sensebox = function (x, fromDate, toDate = fromDate, sensorFilter = ~ TRUE, ..., progress = TRUE) {
if (nrow(x) != 1)
stop('this function only works for exactly one senseBox!')
6 years ago
# filter sensors using NSE, for example: `~ phenomenon == 'Temperatur'`
sensors = x$sensors[[1]] %>%
dplyr::filter(lazyeval::f_eval(sensorFilter, .))
6 years ago
# fetch each sensor separately
dfs = by(sensors, 1:nrow(sensors), function (sensor) {
df = archive_fetch_measurements(x, sensor$id, fromDate, toDate, progress) %>%
dplyr::select(createdAt, value) %>%
#dplyr::mutate(unit = sensor$unit, sensor = sensor$sensor) %>% # inject sensor metadata
dplyr::rename_at(., 'value', function(v) sensor$phenomenon)
6 years ago
# merge all data.frames by timestamp
dfs %>% purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join, 'createdAt')
#' fetch measurements from archive from a single box, and a single sensor
#' @param box A sensebox data.frame with a single box
#' @param sensorId Character specifying the sensor
#' @param fromDate Start date for measurement download, must be convertable via `as.Date`.
#' @param toDate End date for measurement download (inclusive).
#' @param progress whether to print progress
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} containing observations of all selected sensors for each time stamp.
archive_fetch_measurements = function (box, sensorId, fromDate, toDate, progress) {
dates = list()
from = fromDate
while (from <= toDate) {
dates = append(dates, list(from))
from = from + as.difftime(1, units = 'days')
6 years ago
http_handle = httr::handle(osem_archive_endpoint()) # reuse the http connection for speed!
progress = if (progress && !is_non_interactive()) httr::progress() else NULL
6 years ago
measurements = lapply(dates, function(date) {
url = build_archive_url(date, box, sensorId)
res = httr::GET(url, progress, handle = http_handle)
6 years ago
if (httr::http_error(res)) {
'on day', format.Date(date, '%F'),
'for sensor', sensorId
6 years ago
if (httr::status_code(res) == 404)
return(data.frame(createdAt = as.POSIXlt(x = integer(0), origin = date), value = double()))
6 years ago
measurements = httr::content(res, type = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8') %>%
measurements %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
#' returns URL to fetch measurements from a sensor for a specific date,
#' based on `osem_archive_endpoint()`
#' @noRd
build_archive_url = function (date, box, sensorId) {
d = format.Date(date, '%F')
format = 'csv'
6 years ago
paste(paste(sensorId, d, sep = '-'), format, sep = '.'),
sep = '/'
#' replace chars in box name according to archive script:
#' @param box A sensebox data.frame
#' @return character with archive identifier for each box
osem_box_to_archivename = function (box) {
name = gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9._-]', '_', box$name)
6 years ago
paste(box$X_id, name, sep = '-')
#' Check if the given openSenseMap archive endpoint is available
#' @param endpoint The archive base URL to check, defaulting to \code{\link{osem_archive_endpoint}}
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the archive is available, otherwise \code{stop()} is called.
osem_ensure_archive_available = function(endpoint = osem_archive_endpoint()) {
code = FALSE
code = httr::status_code(httr::GET(endpoint))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (code == 200)
errtext = paste('The archive at', endpoint, 'is currently not available.')
if (code != FALSE)
errtext = paste0(errtext, ' (HTTP code ', code, ')')
stop(paste(errtext, collapse='\n '), call. = FALSE)