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# zig-glsl-view
Renders a hot-reloaded fragment shader to one or more output windows.
All shader `uniform` values are writable via OSC at `/param/<uniform name>/set`
- build and run via `zig build run`
- install to `~/bin/glsl-osc` via `zig build --prefix ~`
## configuration
configuration is read from `config.yaml` in the current working directory
- `fragment` (`str`): path to GLSL fragment shader.
- `width` (`int`): horizontal rendering resolution. defaults to `1920`.
- `height` (`int`): vertical rendering resolution. defaults to `1080`.
- `outputs`: list of outputs. defaults to one 800x600 window.
each output is a dictionary with the following keys:
- `type` (`str`): currently always `window`.
- `width` (`int`): window width. defaults to `800`.
- `height` (`int`): window height. defaults to `600`.
- `fullscreen` (`bool`): defaults to `false`.
- `monitor` (`str`): screen name to use for fullscreen. defaults to secondary screen.
- `transparent` (`bool`): transparent instead of black frame buffer background. defaults to `false`.
- `osc`: either a 'liblo URL' or dictionary with the following keys:
- `protocol` (`str`): `udp`, `tcp` or `unix`. defaults to `udp`.
- `port` (`int`): port to bind to. defaults to `9000`.
### OSC / libio URLs
Unfortunately undocumented by libio. The following formats are valid:
- `osc.udp://localhost:1234`
- `osc.udp://` (multicast IP)
- `osc.tcp://:1234`
- `osc.unix://localhost/tmp/mysocket`
## building / dependencies
Build successfully works with:
zig 0.9.1 and 0.10.0-dev.3555+7e07f3d4
glfw-x11 3.3.8-1
libepoxy 1.5.10-1
libyaml 0.2.5-1
liblo 1:0.31-2