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# ttn-ogcswe-integration developer guide
This project is written for node.js 6.x in TypeScript, which needs to be compiled
to javascript before running.
The source is managed using *git flow*, where features are developed on feature
branches and then pulled into the `develop` branch.
## dev env setup
1. Install the following dependencies:
- [node.js 6.x]( or later: javascript runtime
- [yarn]( package manger & launcher
- git: source control
2. Follow the instructions under `Native Installation` in ``.
3. Register an application in TheThingsNetwork, and create a key for it.
Insert the Application ID and the key into `config.yml`.
4. Set up an development instance of the storage backend you want to develop against.
For the 52N SOS a docker image is defined in `docker/sos`.
Enter its address at `` in `config.yml`.
## build cycle
1. create a feature branch: `git checkout develop && git checkout -b feature/myfeature`
1. launch your storage backend and make sure `config.yml` correctly points to it
1. run `yarn build:watch` to start the build process on each source change.
4. Make changes in `src/**`.
1. (re)start the application with `yarn start` and test.
- to do end to end tests without a LoRa device, you can simulate TTN uplink
messages at the device view in `` or using [ttnctl](
1. repeat from step 4 until a (sub)feature is working/fixed.
1. lint the code using `yarn lint` and fix errors as suggested.
1. commit using `git commit`
1. create a pull request on github to `develop`.
Please make sure your code fits the style of the existing codebase, and verify
with `yarn lint` *before* committing.