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just another HTTP healthchecker with XMPP, email, slack notification transports. I wrote this as I simply did not find a tool for this that isn't completely over- or under-engineered. Deploy as a static selfcontained binary, configure via yaml.


Assuming you have golang installed, run

make build STATIC=true


CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' .


Run healthchecks and send notifications for your webservices

  statusmon [flags]
  statusmon [command]

Available Commands:
  check       One-off run all or specific healthchecks
  debug       Run some debugging checks on statusmon itself
  help        Help about any command
  watch       Continously run all or specific healthchecks

  -c, --config string      path to config file (default $HOME/.statusmon.yml)
  -d, --debug              enable verbose logging
  -h, --help               help for statusmon
  -l, --logformat string   log format, can be plain or json (default "plain")
      --no-cache           send all notifications, ignoring results from previous runs. also don't update the cache.
  -n, --notify string      If set, will send out notifications for the specified type of check result,
                           otherwise results are printed to stdout only.
                           Allowed values are "all", "error", "ok".
                           You might want to run 'statusmon debug notifications' first to verify everything works.

                           Notifications for failing checks are sent only once, and then cached until the issue got
                           resolved, unless --no-cache is set.
                           To clear the cache, run 'statusmon debug cache --clear'.

Additional help topics:
  statusmon config How to configure statusmon

Use "statusmon [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The tool works out of the box for basic functionality, but must be configured to set up notifications. Configuration can be done via a YAML file located at ~/.statusmon.yml or through environment variables. Run statusmon help config for details and an example configuration.

available healthchecks

type description
http-status Alert when a http get request yields a statuscode higher than expected

available notification transports

transport options
email recipients: list of email addresses
slack recipients: list of webhook URLs
discord recipients: list of webhook URLs
xmpp recipients: list of JIDs

Want more? add it!


Contributions are welcome! Check out the following locations for plugging in new functionality:

Before committing and submitting a pull request, please run go fmt ./ cmd/ core/.


GPL-3.0 Norwin Roosen