2017-10-03 17:14:14 +00:00

1.3 KiB

Pattern file for forests is generated in various steps.

For the pattern for unknown leave type visit jsdotpattern (command sequence is recorded) For the other leave types you have to install jsdotpattern locally, and install the SVG symbols (broadleaved.svg and needleleaved.svg, see the documentation of jsdotpattern about how to do this) and use the same command sequence. For the mixed leave type, you have to use broadleaved.svg and needleleaved.svg together in a subfolder. For the leafless type, you have to use leafless1.svg and leafless2.svg together in a subfolder.

Generate file - use "render (px aligned)" followed by using "get pattern SVG data" (it is expected that background will be transparent, background colour in jsdotpattern is only for display).

Generated SVG image is sanitized for use with Mapnik by the script from the jsdotpattern repository at

The final files are leavetype_unknown, leavetype_mixed.svg, leavetype_broadleaved.svg, leavetype_needleleaved.svg and leavetype_leafless.svg.