package core import ( "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" "fmt" log "" "" ) type CheckResult struct { Status string Event string Target string Value string Threshold string } func (r CheckResult) EventID() string { s := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", r.Event, r.Target, r.Threshold) hasher := sha256.New() hasher.Write([]byte(s)) return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) } func (r CheckResult) String() string { if r.Status == CheckOk { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (on sensor %s with value %s)\n", r.Event, r.Status, r.Target, r.Value) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: "+checkTypes[r.Event].description+"\n", r.Status, r.Target, r.Value) } } type BoxCheckResults map[*Box][]CheckResult func (results BoxCheckResults) Size() int { size := 0 for _, boxResults := range results { size += len(boxResults) } return size } func (results BoxCheckResults) Log() { for box, boxResults := range results { boxLog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "boxId": box.Id, }) countErr := 0 for _, r := range boxResults { resultLog := boxLog.WithFields(log.Fields{ "status": r.Status, "event": r.Event, "value": r.Value, "target": r.Target, }) if r.Status == CheckOk { resultLog.Debugf("%s: %s", box.Name, r) } else { resultLog.Warnf("%s: %s", box.Name, r) countErr++ } } if countErr == 0 { boxLog.Infof("%s: all is fine!", box.Name) } } } func (results BoxCheckResults) SendNotifications() error { results = results.FilterChangedFromCache(false) n := results.Size() if n == 0 { log.Info("No notifications due.") return nil } else { log.Infof("Notifying for %v checks turned bad in total...", results.Size()) } for box, resultsDue := range results { if len(resultsDue) == 0 { continue } transport := box.NotifyConf.Notifications.Transport notifyLog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "boxId": box.Id, "transport": transport, }) notifier, err2 := box.GetNotifier() if err2 != nil { notifyLog.Error(err2) return err2 } notification := notifier.ComposeNotification(box, resultsDue) err3 := notifier.Submit(notification) if err3 != nil { notifyLog.Error(err3) return err3 } notifyLog.Infof("Sent notification for %s via %s with %v new issues", box.Name, transport, len(resultsDue)) } return nil } func (results BoxCheckResults) FilterChangedFromCache(keepOk bool) BoxCheckResults { remaining := BoxCheckResults{} for box, boxResults := range results { // get results from cache. they are indexed by an event ID per boxId // filter, so that only changed result.Status remain remaining[box] = []CheckResult{} for _, result := range boxResults { cached := viper.GetStringMap(fmt.Sprintf("watchcache.%s.%s", box.Id, result.EventID())) if result.Status != cached["laststatus"] { if result.Status != CheckOk || keepOk { remaining[box] = append(remaining[box], result) } } } // TODO: reminder functionality: extract additional results with Status ERR // from cache with time.Since(lastNotifyDate) > remindAfter. // would require to serialize the full result.. } // upate cache, setting lastNotifyDate to Now() for box, boxResults := range results { for _, result := range boxResults { // FIXME: somehow this is not persisted? key := fmt.Sprintf("watchcache.%s.%s", box.Id, result.EventID()) viper.Set(key+".laststatus", result.Status) } } return remaining } func CheckBoxes(boxIds []string, defaultConf *NotifyConfig) (BoxCheckResults, error) { log.Debug("Checking notifications for ", len(boxIds), " box(es)") results := BoxCheckResults{} for _, boxId := range boxIds { box, res, err := checkBox(boxId, defaultConf) if err != nil { return nil, err } results[box] = res } return results, nil } func checkBox(boxId string, defaultConf *NotifyConfig) (*Box, []CheckResult, error) { boxLogger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{"boxId": boxId}) boxLogger.Info("checking box for events") // get box data box, err := Osem.GetBox(boxId) if err != nil { boxLogger.Error(err) return nil, nil, err } // if box has no notify config, we use the defaultConf if box.NotifyConf == nil { box.NotifyConf = defaultConf } // run checks results, err2 := box.RunChecks() if err2 != nil { boxLogger.Error("could not run checks on box: ", err2) return box, results, err2 } return box, results, nil }