package core import ( "fmt" "strings" log "" ) type BoxCheckResults map[*Box][]CheckResult func (results BoxCheckResults) Size(statusToCheck []string) int { size := 0 for _, boxResults := range results { for _, result := range boxResults { if result.HasStatus(statusToCheck) { size++ } } } return size } func (results BoxCheckResults) Log() { // collect statistics for summary print boxesSkipped := 0 boxesWithIssues := 0 boxesWithoutIssues := 0 failedChecks := 0 errorsByEvent := map[string]int{} for event, _ := range checkers { errorsByEvent[event] = 0 } for box, boxResults := range results { boxLog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "boxId": box.Id, }) countErr := 0 for _, r := range boxResults { resultLog := boxLog.WithFields(log.Fields{ "status": r.Status, "event": r.Event, "value": r.Value, "target": r.Target, }) if r.Status == CheckOk { resultLog.Debugf("%s: %s", box.Name, r) } else { resultLog.Warnf("%s: %s", box.Name, r) countErr++ errorsByEvent[r.Event]++ } } if len(boxResults) == 0 { boxLog.Infof("%s: no checks defined", box.Name) boxesSkipped++ } else if countErr == 0 { boxLog.Infof("%s: all is fine!", box.Name) boxesWithoutIssues++ } else { // we logged the error(s) already boxesWithIssues++ failedChecks += countErr } } // print summary boxesChecked := boxesWithIssues + boxesWithoutIssues if boxesChecked > 1 { summaryLog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "boxesChecked": boxesChecked, "boxesSkipped": boxesSkipped, // boxes are also skipped when they never submitted any measurements before! "boxesOk": boxesWithoutIssues, "boxesErr": boxesWithIssues, "failedChecks": failedChecks, "errorsByEvent": errorsByEvent, }) summaryLog.Infof( "check summary: %v of %v checked boxes are fine (%v had no checks)!", boxesWithoutIssues, boxesChecked, boxesSkipped) } } func CheckBoxes(boxLocalConfs map[string]*NotifyConfig, osem *OsemClient) (BoxCheckResults, error) { log.Debug("Checking notifications for ", len(boxLocalConfs), " box(es)") results := BoxCheckResults{} errs := []string{} // @TODO: check boxes in parallel, capped at 5 at once. and/or rate limit? for boxId, localConf := range boxLocalConfs { boxLogger := log.WithField("boxId", boxId) boxLogger.Info("checking box for events") box, res, err := checkBox(boxId, localConf, osem) if err != nil { boxLogger.Errorf("could not run checks on box %s: %s", boxId, err) errs = append(errs, err.Error()) continue } results[box] = res } if len(errs) != 0 { return results, fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errs, "\n")) } return results, nil } func checkBox(boxId string, defaultConf *NotifyConfig, osem *OsemClient) (*Box, []CheckResult, error) { // get box data box, err := osem.GetBox(boxId) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // if box has no notify config, we use the defaultConf if box.NotifyConf == nil { box.NotifyConf = defaultConf } // run checks results, err2 := box.RunChecks() if err2 != nil { return box, results, err2 } return box, results, nil }