embed config help in build

noerw 6 years ago
parent 8eaf3954b7
commit bc8f02e0a9

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Implemented health checks are [described below](#possible-values-for-defaultheal
The tool has multiple modes of operation:
- `osem_notify check boxes`: run one-off checks on boxes
- `osem_notify watch boxes`: check boxes continuously
- `osem_notify watch boxes`: check boxes continuously.
Run `osem_notify help` or check the manual in the [docs/](docs/osem_notify.md) directory for more details.
@ -26,63 +26,24 @@ sudo mv osem_notify* /usr/bin/osem_notify
## configure it
The tool works out of the box for basic functionality, but must be configured to set up notifications.
Configuration can be done via a YAML file located at `~/.osem_notify.yml` or through environment variables.
Example configuration:
# override default health checks:
transport: email
- fridolina@example.com
- ruth.less@example.com
- type: "measurement_age"
target: "all" # all sensors
threshold: "15m" # any duration
- type: "measurement_faulty"
target: "all"
threshold: ""
# only needed when sending notifications via email
host: smtp.example.com
port: 25
user: foo
pass: bar
from: hildegunst@example.com
### possible values for `defaultHealthchecks.notifications`:
`transport` | `options`
`email` | `recipients`: list of email addresses
Want more? [add it](#contribute)!
Run `osem_notify help config` for details and an example configuration.
### possible values for `defaultHealthchecks.events[]`:
### available healthchecks
`type` | description
`measurement_age` | Alert when sensor `target` has not submitted measurements within `threshold` duration.
`measurement_faulty` | Alert when sensor `target`'s last reading was a presumably faulty value (e.g. broken / disconnected sensor).
`measurement_min` | Alert when sensor `target`'s last measurement is lower than `threshold`.
`measurement_max` | Alert when sensor `target`'s last measurement is higher than `threshold`.
`target` can be either a sensor ID, or `"all"` to match all sensors of the box.
`threshold` must be a string.
`measurement_age` | Alert when a sensor has not submitted measurements within a given duration.
`measurement_faulty` | Alert when a sensor's last reading was a presumably faulty value (e.g. broken / disconnected sensor).
`measurement_min` | Alert when a sensor's last measurement is lower than a given value.
`measurement_max` | Alert when a sensor's last measurement is higher than a given value.
### configuration via environment variables
Instead of a YAML file, you may configure the tool through environment variables. Keys are the same as in the YAML, but:
- prefixed with `OSEM_NOTIFY_`
- path separator is not `.`, but `_`
- all upper case
### available notification transports
`transport` | `options`
`email` | `recipients`: list of email addresses
Example: `OSEM_NOTIFY_EMAIL_PASS=supersecret osem_notify check boxes`
Want more? [add it](#contribute)!
## build it
Want to use `osem_notify` on a platform where no builds are provided?

@ -6,8 +6,75 @@ import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var configHelpCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "config",
Short: "How to configure osem_notify",
Long: `osem_notify works out of the box for basic functionality, but uses configuration to
set up notification transports and healthchecks. Additionally, all command line flags can
be set to default values through the configuration.
Configuration can be set either through a YAML file, or through environment variables.
You can use different configuration files per call by settings the --config flag.
> Example configuration:
# override default health checks:
transport: email
- fridolina@example.com
- ruth.less@example.com
- type: "measurement_age"
target: "all" # all sensors
threshold: "15m" # any duration
- type: "measurement_faulty"
target: "all"
threshold: ""
# only needed when sending notifications via email
host: smtp.example.com
port: 25
user: foo
pass: bar
from: hildegunst@example.com
> possible values for defaultHealthchecks.notifications:
transport | options
email | recipients: list of email addresses
> possible values for defaultHealthchecks.events[]:
type | description
measurement_age | Alert when sensor target has not submitted measurements within threshold duration.
measurement_faulty | Alert when sensor target's last reading was a presumably faulty value (e.g. broken / disconnected sensor).
measurement_min | Alert when sensor target's last measurement is lower than threshold.
measurement_max | Alert when sensor target's last measurement is higher than threshold.
- target can be either a sensor ID, or "all" to match all sensors of the box.
- threshold must be a string.
> configuration via environment variables
Instead of a YAML file, you may configure the tool through environment variables. Keys are the same as in the YAML, but:
keys are prefixed with "OSEM_NOTIFY_", path separator is not ".", but "_", all upper case
Example: OSEM_NOTIFY_EMAIL_PASS=supersecret osem_notify check boxes`,
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "osem_notify",
Short: "Root command displaying help",
@ -50,12 +117,18 @@ func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&api, "api", "a", "https://api.opensensemap.org", "openSenseMap API to query against")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&logFormat, "logformat", "l", "plain", "log format, can be plain or json")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&debug, "debug", "d", false, "enable verbose logging")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&shouldNotify, "notify", "n", false, `if set, will send out notifications.
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&shouldNotify, "notify", "n", false, `if set, will send out notifications,
Otherwise results are printed to stdout only.
You might want to run 'osem_notify debug notifications' first to verify everything works.
Notifications for failing checks are sent only once,
and then cached until the issue got resolved.
To clear the cache, delete the file ~/.osem_notify_cache.yaml.
viper.BindPFlags(rootCmd.PersistentFlags()) // let flags override config
func Execute() {

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ func init() {
watchInterval int
watchCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&watchInterval, "interval", "i", 15, "interval to run checks in minutes")
watchCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&watchInterval, "interval", "i", 30, "interval to run checks in minutes")
