# opensensemap.org box dashboard for Gnome Small dashboard displaying live sensor readings of senseBoxes on [opensensemap.org][osem] in your Gnome Shell top bar. Should technically also work on Mac with [BitBar][bitbar], although that's untested. ![screenshot](screenshot.jpg) ## installation 1. Install [argos][argos] (or [BitBar][bitbar]) and [jq][jq] 2. run the following command to install the current version: ```sh scriptsrc="https://git.nroo.de/opensensemap/osem_gnome_dash/raw/branch/master/00opensensemap.r.3m.sh" curl $scriptsrc > ~/.config/argos/00opensensemap.r.3m.sh ``` You can change the filename to change the refresh rate and display position 3. Open `~/.config/argos/00opensensemap.r.3m.sh` and insert your favourite box ID. Alternatively you can export it as `OSEM_BOX` in your bashrc (untested) [osem]: https://opensensemap.org [bitbar]: https://getbitbar.com/ [argos]: https://github.com/p-e-w/argos [jq]: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ ## license Unlicense / Public Domain. Still it would be nice if you'd let me know of enhancements you made!