R client for opensensemap.org
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noerw 54b0994671
6 years ago
.aspell hello CRAN :^| 6 years ago
R make R CMD check happy 6 years ago
inst/doc add/update vignette builds 6 years ago
man update docs + vignette builds 6 years ago
tests add caching feature 6 years ago
tools/monitr too many `e`s are not healthy 6 years ago
vignettes add/update vignette builds 6 years ago
.Rbuildignore add lintr config, make code lint compliant, fixes #20 6 years ago
.gitattributes add .gitattributes 6 years ago
.gitignore make R CMD check happy 6 years ago
.lintr add lintr config, make code lint compliant, fixes #20 6 years ago
.travis.yml speed up travis build by skipping vignettes 6 years ago
CHANGES.md v0.4.0 6 years ago
CONDUCT.md add coc 6 years ago
DESCRIPTION v0.4.0 6 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 7 years ago
NAMESPACE add caching feature 6 years ago
README.md make R CMD check happy 6 years ago
appveyor.yml add appveyor config 6 years ago
codecov.yml add codecov configuration 6 years ago



CRAN status Travis build status AppVeyor Build Status Coverage status

This R package ingests data (environmental measurements, sensor stations) from the API of opensensemap.org for analysis in R. The package aims to be compatible with sf and the tidyverse.


The package is available on CRAN, install it via


To install the veryy latest from GitHub, run:

devtools::install_github('noerw/opensensmapr@master')      # latest stable version
devtools::install_github('noerw/opensensmapr@development') # bleeding edge version


Each function's documentation can be viewed with ?<function-name>. An overview is given in ?opensensmapr. A verbose usage example is shown in the vignette osem-intro.

In short, the following pseudocode shows the main functions for data retrieval:

# retrieve a single box by id, or many boxes by some property-filters
b = osem_box('boxId')
b = osem_boxes(filter1, filter2, ...)

# get the counts of observed phenomena for a list of boxes
p = osem_phenomena(b)

# get measurements for a phenomenon
m = osem_measurements(phenomenon, filter1, ...)
# get measurements for a phenomenon from selected boxes
m = osem_measurements(b, phenomenon, filter1, ...)
# get measurements for a phenomenon from a geographic bounding box
m = osem_measurements(bbox, phenomenon, filter1, ...)

# get general count statistics of the openSenseMap database

Additionally there are some helpers: summary.sensebox(), plot.sensebox(), st_as_sf.sensebox(), osem_as_sensebox(), [.sensebox(), filter.sensebox(), mutate.sensebox(), ....


This project adheres to semantic versioning, for changes in recent versions please consult CHANGES.md.

Contributing & Development

Contributions are very welcome! When submitting a patch, please follow the existing code style, and run R CMD check --no-vignettes . on the package.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


GPL-2.0 - Norwin Roosen