You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
2.2 KiB

## ----setup, results='hide'----------------------------------------------------
# this vignette requires:
## ----cache--------------------------------------------------------------------
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', cache = tempdir())
# the next identical request will hit the cache only!
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', cache = tempdir())
# requests without the cache parameter will still be performed normally
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi')
## ----cachelisting-------------------------------------------------------------
list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds')
## ----cache_custom-------------------------------------------------------------
cacheDir = getwd() # current working directory
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', cache = cacheDir)
# the next identical request will hit the cache only!
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', cache = cacheDir)
## ----clearcache, results='hide'-----------------------------------------------
osem_clear_cache() # clears default cache
osem_clear_cache(getwd()) # clears a custom cache
## ----data, results='hide', eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------
# # first get our example data:
# measurements = osem_measurements('Windgeschwindigkeit')
## ----serialize_json, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
# # serializing senseBoxes to JSON, and loading from file again:
# write(jsonlite::serializeJSON(measurements), 'measurements.json')
# measurements_from_file = jsonlite::unserializeJSON(readr::read_file('measurements.json'))
# class(measurements_from_file)
## ----serialize_attrs, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# # note the toJSON call instead of serializeJSON
# write(jsonlite::toJSON(measurements), 'measurements_bad.json')
# measurements_without_attrs = jsonlite::fromJSON('measurements_bad.json')
# class(measurements_without_attrs)
# measurements_with_attrs = osem_as_measurements(measurements_without_attrs)
# class(measurements_with_attrs)
## ----cleanup, include=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------
# file.remove('measurements.json', 'measurements_bad.json')