# ============================================================================== # #' Fetch the Measurements of a Phenomenon on opensensemap.org #' #' Measurements can be retrieved either for a set of boxes, or through a spatial #' bounding box filter. To get all measurements, the \code{default} function applies #' a bounding box spanning the whole world. #' #' @param x Depending on the method, either #' \enumerate{ #' \item a \code{chr} specifying the phenomenon, see \code{phenomenon} #' \item a \code{\link[sf]{st_bbox}} to select sensors spatially, #' \item a \code{sensebox data.frame} to select boxes from which #' measurements will be retrieved, #' } #' @param ... see parameters below #' @param phenomenon The phenomenon to retrieve measurements for #' @param exposure Filter sensors by their exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile') #' @param from A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval #' @param to A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval #' @param columns Select specific column in the output (see openSenseMap API documentation) #' @param endpoint The URL of the openSenseMap API #' @param progress Whether to print download progress information #' @param cache Whether to cache the result, defaults to false. #' If a valid path to a directory is given, the response will be cached there. Subsequent identical requests will return the cached data instead. #' #' @return An \code{osem_measurements data.frame} containing the #' requested measurements #' #' @export #' @seealso \href{https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-getDataMulti}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_box}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_boxes}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_clear_cache}} osem_measurements = function (x, ...) UseMethod('osem_measurements') # ============================================================================== # #' @describeIn osem_measurements Get measurements from \strong{all} senseBoxes. #' @export #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' # get measurements from all boxes on the phenomenon 'PM10' from the last 48h #' m = osem_measurements('PM10') #' #' # get measurements from all mobile boxes on the phenomenon 'PM10' from the last 48h #' m = osem_measurements('PM10', exposure = 'mobile') #' #' # get measurements and cache them locally in the working directory. #' # subsequent identical requests will load from the cache instead, ensuring #' # reproducibility and saving time and bandwidth! #' m = osem_measurements('PM10', exposure = 'mobile', cache = getwd()) #' m = osem_measurements('PM10', exposure = 'mobile', cache = getwd()) #' #' # get measurements returning a custom selection of columns #' m = osem_measurements('PM10', exposure = 'mobile', columns = c( #' 'value', #' 'boxId', #' 'sensorType', #' 'lat', #' 'lon', #' 'height' #' )) #' } osem_measurements.default = function (x, ...) { bbox = structure(c(-180, -90, 180, 90), class = 'bbox') osem_measurements(bbox, x, ...) } # ============================================================================== # #' @describeIn osem_measurements Get measurements by a spatial filter. #' @export #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' # get measurements from sensors within a custom WGS84 bounding box #' bbox = structure(c(7, 51, 8, 52), class = 'bbox') #' m = osem_measurements(bbox, 'Temperatur') #' #' # construct a bounding box 12km around berlin using the sf package, #' # and get measurements from stations within that box #' library(sf) #' bbox2 = st_point(c(13.4034, 52.5120)) %>% #' st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>% #' st_transform(3857) %>% # allow setting a buffer in meters #' st_buffer(set_units(12, km)) %>% #' st_transform(4326) %>% # the opensensemap expects WGS 84 #' st_bbox() #' m = osem_measurements(bbox2, 'Temperatur', exposure = 'outdoor') #' #' # construct a bounding box from two points, #' # and get measurements from stations within that box #' points = st_multipoint(matrix(c(7.5, 7.8, 51.7, 52), 2, 2)) #' bbox3 = st_bbox(points) #' m = osem_measurements(bbox2, 'Temperatur', exposure = 'outdoor') #' } osem_measurements.bbox = function (x, phenomenon, exposure = NA, from = NA, to = NA, columns = NA, ..., endpoint = osem_endpoint(), progress = T, cache = NA) { bbox = x environment() %>% as.list() %>% parse_get_measurements_params() %>% paged_measurements_req() } # ============================================================================== # #' @describeIn osem_measurements Get measurements from a set of senseBoxes. #' @export #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' # get measurements from a set of boxes #' b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi') #' m4 = osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur') #' #' # ...or a single box #' b = osem_box('57000b8745fd40c8196ad04c') #' m5 = osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur') #' #' # get measurements from a single box on the from the last 40 days. #' # requests are paged for long time frames, so the APIs limitation #' # does not apply! #' library(lubridate) #' m1 = osem_measurements( #' b, #' 'Temperatur', #' to = now(), #' from = now() - days(40) #' ) #' } osem_measurements.sensebox = function (x, phenomenon, exposure = NA, from = NA, to = NA, columns = NA, ..., endpoint = osem_endpoint(), progress = T, cache = NA) { boxes = x environment() %>% as.list() %>% parse_get_measurements_params() %>% paged_measurements_req() } # ============================================================================== # #' Validates and parses the Parameters for use in \code{osem_measurements()} #' and sets a default selection of columns, if unspecified. #' Dates are not stringified! #' #' @param params A named \code{list} of parameters #' @return A named \code{list} of parsed parameters. #' @noRd parse_get_measurements_params = function (params) { if (is.symbol(params$phenomenon) || is.null(params$phenomenon) || is.na(params$phenomenon)) stop('Parameter "phenomenon" is required') if ( (!is.na(params$from) && is.na(params$to)) || (!is.na(params$to) && is.na(params$from)) ) stop('specify "from" only together with "to"') if ( (!is.null(params$bbox) && !is.null(params$boxes)) || (is.null(params$bbox) && is.null(params$boxes)) ) stop('Specify either "bbox" or "boxes"') query = list( endpoint = params$endpoint, phenomenon = params$phenomenon, progress = params$progress, cache = params$cache ) if (!is.null(params$boxes)) query$boxId = paste(params$boxes$X_id, collapse = ',') if (!is.null(params$bbox)) query$bbox = paste(params$bbox, collapse = ',') if (!is.na(params$from) && !is.na(params$to)) { parse_dateparams(params$from, params$to) # only for validation sideeffect query$`from-date` = utc_date(params$from) query$`to-date` = utc_date(params$to) } if (!is.na(params$exposure)) query$exposure = params$exposure if (!any(is.na(params$columns))) query$columns = paste(params$columns, collapse = ',') else query$columns = 'value,createdAt,lon,lat,sensorId,unit' query } paged_measurements_req = function (query) { # no paged requests when dates are not provided if (!all(c('from-date', 'to-date') %in% names(query))) return(do.call(get_measurements_, query)) # auto paging: make a request for one 31day interval each (max supprted length) # generate a list 31day intervals from = query$`from-date` to = query$`to-date` dates = list() while (from < to) { in31days = from + as.difftime(31, units = 'days') dates = append(dates, list(list(from = from, to = min(in31days, to)))) from = in31days + as.difftime(1, units = 'secs') } # use the dates as pages for multiple requests df = lapply(dates, function(page) { query$`from-date` = date_as_isostring(page$from) query$`to-date` = date_as_isostring(page$to) res = do.call(get_measurements_, query) if (query$progress && !is_non_interactive()) cat(paste(query$`from-date`, query$`to-date`, sep = ' - '), '\n') res }) %>% dplyr::bind_rows() # coerce all character columns (sensorId, unit, ...) to factors AFTER binding df[sapply(df, is.character)] = lapply(df[sapply(df, is.character)], as.factor) df }