# parses from/to params for get_measurements_ and get_boxes_ parse_dateparams = function (from, to) { from = utc_date(from) to = utc_date(to) if (from - to > 0) stop('"from" must be earlier than "to"') c(date_as_isostring(from), date_as_isostring(to)) } # NOTE: cannot handle mixed vectors of POSIXlt and POSIXct utc_date = function (date) { time = as.POSIXct(date) attr(time, 'tzone') = 'UTC' time } # NOTE: cannot handle mixed vectors of POSIXlt and POSIXct date_as_isostring = function (date) format.Date(date, format = '%FT%TZ') #' Checks for an interactive session using interactive() and a knitr process in #' the callstack. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/33108841 #' #' @noRd is_non_interactive = function () { ff = sapply(sys.calls(), function(f) as.character(f[1])) any(ff %in% c('knit2html', 'render')) || !interactive() } #' custom recursive lapply with better handling of NULL values #' from https://stackoverflow.com/a/38950304 #' @noRd recursive_lapply = function(x, fn) { if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, recursive_lapply, fn) else fn(x) }