source('testhelpers.R') context('measurements') try({ boxes = osem_boxes() }) test_that('measurements can be retrieved for a phenomenon', { check_api() measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Windgeschwindigkeit') expect_true( expect_true('osem_measurements' %in% class(measurements)) }) test_that('measurement retrieval does not give progress information in non-interactive mode', { check_api() if (!opensensmapr:::is_non_interactive()) skip('interactive session') out = capture.output({ measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Licht') }) expect_length(out, 0) }) test_that('a response with no matching senseBoxes gives an error', { check_api() expect_error(osem_measurements(x = 'Windgeschwindigkeit', exposure = 'indoor'), 'No senseBoxes found') }) test_that('data.frame can be converted to measurements data.frame', { df = osem_as_measurements(data.frame(c(1, 2), c('a', 'b'))) expect_equal(class(df), c('osem_measurements', 'data.frame')) }) test_that('columns can be specified for phenomena', { check_api() cols = c('value', 'boxId', 'boxName') measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Windgeschwindigkeit', columns = cols) expect_equal(names(measurements), cols) }) test_that('measurements can be retrieved for a phenomenon and exposure', { check_api() measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Temperatur', exposure = 'unknown', columns = c('value', 'boxId', 'boxName')) expect_equal(nrow(measurements), 0) }) test_that('measurements of specific boxes can be retrieved for one phenomenon and returns a measurements data.frame', { check_api() # fix for subsetting class(boxes) = c('data.frame') three_boxes = boxes[1:3, ] class(boxes) = c('sensebox', 'data.frame') three_boxes = osem_as_sensebox(three_boxes) phens = names(osem_phenomena(three_boxes)) measurements = osem_measurements(x = three_boxes, phenomenon = phens[[1]]) expect_true( expect_true('osem_measurements' %in% class(measurements)) }) test_that('measurements can be retrieved for a bounding box', { check_api() sfc = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(data = c(7, 8, 50, 51), ncol = 2)), crs = 4326) bbox = sf::st_bbox(sfc) measurements = osem_measurements(x = bbox, phenomenon = 'Windrichtung') expect_true(all(unique(measurements$lat) > 50)) expect_true(all(unique(measurements$lat) < 51)) expect_true(all(unique(measurements$lon) < 8)) expect_true(all(unique(measurements$lon) > 7)) }) test_that('measurements can be retrieved for a time period', { check_api() from_date = as.POSIXct('2018-01-01 12:00:00') to_date = as.POSIXct('2018-01-01 13:00:00') measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Temperature', from = from_date, to = to_date) expect_true(all(measurements$createdAt < to_date)) expect_true(all(measurements$createdAt > from_date)) }) test_that('measurements can be retrieved for a time period > 31 days', { check_api() from_date = as.POSIXct('2017-11-01 12:00:00') to_date = as.POSIXct('2018-01-01 13:00:00') measurements = osem_measurements(x = 'Windrichtung', from = from_date, to = to_date) expect_true(all(measurements$createdAt < to_date)) expect_true(all(measurements$createdAt > from_date)) }) test_that('both from and to are required when requesting measurements, error otherwise', { expect_error(osem_measurements(x = 'Temperature', from = as.POSIXct('2017-01-01')), 'only together with') expect_error(osem_measurements(x = 'Temperature', to = as.POSIXct('2017-01-01')), 'only together with') }) test_that('phenomenon is required when requesting measurements, error otherwise', { check_api() expect_error(osem_measurements(), 'missing, with no default') expect_error(osem_measurements(boxes), 'Parameter "phenomenon" is required') sfc = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(data = c(7, 8, 50, 51), ncol = 2)), crs = 4326) bbox = sf::st_bbox(sfc) expect_error(osem_measurements(bbox), 'Parameter "phenomenon" is required') }) test_that('[.osem_measurements maintains attributes', { check_api() sfc = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(data = c(7, 8, 50, 51), ncol = 2)), crs = 4326) bbox = sf::st_bbox(sfc) m = osem_measurements(x = bbox, phenomenon = 'Windrichtung') expect_true(all(attributes(m[1:nrow(m), ]) %in% attributes(m))) }) test_that('requests can be cached', { check_api() osem_clear_cache() expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 0) osem_measurements('Windrichtung', cache = tempdir()) expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 1) # no download output (works only in interactive mode..) out = capture.output({ m = osem_measurements('Windrichtung', cache = tempdir()) }) expect_length(out, 0) expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 1) osem_clear_cache() expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 0) })