# ============================================================================== # #' Get a set of senseBoxes from the openSenseMap #' #' Boxes can be selected by a set of filters. #' Note that some filters do not work together: #' \enumerate{ #' \item \code{phenomenon} can only be applied together with \code{date} or #' \code{from / to} #' \item \code{date} and \code{from / to} cannot be specified together #' } #' #' @param exposure Only return boxes with the given exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile') #' @param model Only return boxes with the given model #' @param grouptag Only return boxes with the given grouptag #' @param date Only return boxes that were measuring within ±4 hours of the given time #' @param from Only return boxes that were measuring later than this time #' @param to Only return boxes that were measuring earlier than this time #' @param phenomenon Only return boxes that measured the given phenomenon in the #' time interval as specified through \code{date} or \code{from / to} #' @param endpoint The URL of the openSenseMap API instance #' @param progress Whether to print download progress information, defaults to \code{TRUE} #' @param cache Whether to cache the result, defaults to false. #' If a valid path to a directory is given, the response will be cached there. #' Subsequent identical requests will return the cached data instead. #' @return A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row #' #' @seealso \href{https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-findAllBoxes}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_phenomena}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_box}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_clear_cache}} #' #' @export #' @examples #' #' \donttest{ #' # get *all* boxes available on the API #' b = osem_boxes() #' #' # get all boxes with grouptag 'ifgi' that are placed outdoors #' b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor') #' #' # get all boxes with model 'luftdaten_sds011_dht22' #' b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi') #' #' # get all boxes that have measured PM2.5 in the last 4 hours #' b = osem_boxes(date = Sys.time(), phenomenon = 'PM2.5') #' #' # get all boxes that have measured PM2.5 between Jan & Feb 2018 #' library(lubridate) #' b = osem_boxes( #' from = date('2018-01-01'), #' to = date('2018-02-01'), #' phenomenon = 'PM2.5' #' ) #' #' # get all boxes from a custom (selfhosted) openSenseMap API #' b = osem_box(endpoint = 'http://api.my-custom-osem.com') #' #' # get all boxes and cache the response, in order to provide #' # reproducible results in the future. Also useful for development #' # to avoid repeated loading times! #' b = osem_boxes(cache = getwd()) #' b = osem_boxes(cache = getwd()) #' #' # get *all* boxes available on the API, without showing download progress #' b = osem_boxes(progress = FALSE) #' } osem_boxes = function (exposure = NA, model = NA, grouptag = NA, date = NA, from = NA, to = NA, phenomenon = NA, endpoint = osem_endpoint(), progress = TRUE, cache = NA) { # error, if phenomenon, but no time given if (!is.na(phenomenon) && is.na(date) && is.na(to) && is.na(from)) stop('Parameter "phenomenon" can only be used together with "date" or "from"/"to"') # error, if date and from/to given if (!is.na(date) && (!is.na(to) || !is.na(from))) stop('Parameter "date" cannot be used together with "from"/"to"') # error, if only one of from/to given if ( (!is.na(to) && is.na(from)) || (is.na(to) && !is.na(from)) ) { stop('Parameter "from"/"to" must be used together') } query = list(endpoint = endpoint, progress = progress, cache = cache) if (!is.na(exposure)) query$exposure = exposure if (!is.na(model)) query$model = model if (!is.na(grouptag)) query$grouptag = grouptag if (!is.na(phenomenon)) query$phenomenon = phenomenon if (!is.na(to) && !is.na(from)) query$date = parse_dateparams(from, to) %>% paste(collapse = ',') else if (!is.na(date)) query$date = utc_date(date) %>% date_as_isostring() do.call(get_boxes_, query) } # ============================================================================== # #' Get a single senseBox by its ID #' #' @param boxId A string containing a senseBox ID #' @param endpoint The URL of the openSenseMap API instance #' @param cache Whether to cache the result, defaults to false. #' If a valid path to a directory is given, the response will be cached there. Subsequent identical requests will return the cached data instead. #' @return A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row #' #' @seealso \href{https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-findAllBoxes}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_phenomena}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_boxes}} #' @seealso \code{\link{osem_clear_cache}} #' @export #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' # get a specific box by ID #' b = osem_box('57000b8745fd40c8196ad04c') #' #' # get a specific box by ID from a custom (selfhosted) openSenseMap API #' b = osem_box('51030b8725fd30c2196277da', 'http://api.my-custom-osem.com') #' #' # get a specific box by ID and cache the response, in order to provide #' # reproducible results in the future. #' b = osem_box('51030b8725fd30c2196277da', cache = tempdir()) #' } osem_box = function (boxId, endpoint = osem_endpoint(), cache = NA) { get_box_(boxId, endpoint = endpoint, cache = cache) } # ============================================================================== # #' Construct a senseBox data.frame #' #' Parses the fields of a \code{/boxes} response from the openSenseMap API #' #' @param boxdata A named \code{list} containing the data for a box #' @return A \code{data.frame} with an attached class \code{sensebox}. #' @noRd parse_senseboxdata = function (boxdata) { # extract nested lists for later use & clean them from the list # to allow a simple data.frame structure sensors = boxdata$sensors location = boxdata$currentLocation boxdata[c('loc', 'locations', 'currentLocation', 'sensors', 'image', 'boxType')] = NULL thebox = as.data.frame(boxdata, stringsAsFactors = F) # parse timestamps (updatedAt might be not defined) thebox$createdAt = as.POSIXct(strptime(thebox$createdAt, format = '%FT%T', tz = 'GMT')) if (!is.null(thebox$updatedAt)) thebox$updatedAt = as.POSIXct(strptime(thebox$updatedAt, format = '%FT%T', tz = 'GMT')) # extract metadata from sensors thebox$phenomena = lapply(sensors, function(s) s$title) %>% unlist %>% list # FIXME: if one sensor has NA, max() returns bullshit get_last_measurement = function(s) { if (!is.null(s$lastMeasurement)) as.POSIXct(strptime(s$lastMeasurement$createdAt, format = '%FT%T', tz = 'GMT')) else NA } thebox$lastMeasurement = max(lapply(sensors, get_last_measurement)[[1]]) # extract coordinates & transform to simple feature object thebox$lon = location$coordinates[[1]] thebox$lat = location$coordinates[[2]] if (length(location$coordinates) == 3) thebox$height = location$coordinates[[3]] # attach a custom class for methods osem_as_sensebox(thebox) }