% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/box.R \name{osem_box} \alias{osem_box} \title{Get a single senseBox by its ID} \usage{ osem_box(boxId, endpoint = osem_endpoint()) } \arguments{ \item{boxId}{A string containing a senseBox ID} \item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API instance} } \value{ A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row } \description{ Get a single senseBox by its ID } \examples{ # get a specific box by ID b = osem_box('57000b8745fd40c8196ad04c') } \seealso{ \href{https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-findAllBoxes}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)} \code{\link{osem_phenomena}} \code{\link{osem_boxes}} }