source('testhelpers.R') context('boxes') test_that('a list of all boxes can be retrieved and returns a sensebox data.frame', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes() expect_true( expect_true(is.factor(boxes$model)) expect_true(is.character(boxes$name)) expect_length(names(boxes), 15) expect_true(any('sensebox' %in% class(boxes))) }) test_that('both from and to are required when requesting boxes, error otherwise', { expect_error(osem_boxes(from = as.POSIXct('2017-01-01')), 'must be used together') expect_error(osem_boxes(to = as.POSIXct('2017-01-01')), 'must be used together') }) test_that('a list of boxes with phenomenon filter returns only the requested phenomenon', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes(phenomenon = 'Temperatur', date=Sys.time()) expect_true(all(grep('Temperatur', boxes$phenomena))) }) test_that('a list of boxes with exposure filter returns only the requested exposure', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes(exposure = 'mobile') expect_true(all(boxes$exposure == 'mobile')) }) test_that('a list of boxes with model filter returns only the requested model', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes(model = 'homeWifi') expect_true(all(boxes$model == 'homeWifi')) }) test_that('box query can combine exposure and model filter', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes(exposure = 'mobile', model = 'homeWifi') expect_true(all(boxes$model == 'homeWifi')) expect_true(all(boxes$exposure == 'mobile')) }) test_that('a list of boxes with grouptype returns only boxes of that group', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'codeformuenster') expect_true(all(boxes$grouptag == 'codeformuenster')) }) test_that('endpoint can be (mis)configured', { check_api() expect_error(osem_boxes(endpoint = ''), 'resolve host') }) test_that('a response with no matches returns empty sensebox data.frame', { check_api() suppressWarnings({ boxes = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'does_not_exist') }) expect_true( expect_true(any('sensebox' %in% class(boxes))) }) test_that('a response with no matches gives a warning', { check_api() expect_warning(osem_boxes(grouptag = 'does_not_exist'), 'no senseBoxes found') }) test_that('data.frame can be converted to sensebox data.frame', { df = osem_as_sensebox(data.frame(c(1, 2), c('a', 'b'))) expect_equal(class(df), c('sensebox', 'data.frame')) }) test_that('boxes can be converted to sf object', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes() boxes_sf = sf::st_as_sf(boxes) expect_true(all(sf::st_is_simple(boxes_sf))) expect_true('sf' %in% class(boxes_sf)) }) test_that('boxes converted to sf object keep all attributes', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes() boxes_sf = sf::st_as_sf(boxes) # coord columns get removed! cols = names(boxes)[!names(boxes) %in% c('lon', 'lat')] expect_true(all(cols %in% names(boxes_sf))) expect_true('sensebox' %in% class(boxes_sf)) }) test_that('box retrieval does not give progress information in non-interactive mode', { check_api() if (!opensensmapr:::is_non_interactive()) skip('interactive session') out = capture.output({ b = osem_boxes() }) expect_length(out, 0) }) test_that('print.sensebox filters important attributes for a set of boxes', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes() msg = capture.output({ print(boxes) }) expect_false(any(grepl('description', msg)), 'should filter attribute "description"') }) test_that('summary.sensebox outputs all metrics for a set of boxes', { check_api() boxes = osem_boxes() msg = capture.output({ summary(boxes) }) expect_true(any(grepl('sensors per box:', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('oldest box:', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('newest box:', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('\\$last_measurement_within', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('boxes by model:', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('boxes by exposure:', msg))) expect_true(any(grepl('boxes total:', msg))) }) test_that('requests can be cached', { check_api() osem_clear_cache() expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 0) b = osem_boxes(cache = tempdir()) cacheFile = paste( tempdir(), opensensmapr:::osem_cache_filename('/boxes'), sep = '/' ) expect_true(file.exists(cacheFile)) expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 1) # no download output (works only in interactive mode..) out = capture.output({ b = osem_boxes(cache = tempdir()) }) expect_length(out, 0) expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 1) osem_clear_cache() expect_length(list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds'), 0) })