context("boxes") check_api <- function() { skip_on_cran() code <- NA try(code <- httr::status_code(httr::GET(osem_endpoint()))) if ( skip("API not available") } test_that("a list of all boxes can be retrieved and returns a sensebox data.frame", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes() expect_true( expect_true(is.factor(boxes$model)) expect_true(is.character(boxes$name)) expect_length(names(boxes), 14) expect_true(any("sensebox" %in% class(boxes))) }) test_that("both from and to are required when requesting boxes, error otherwise", { expect_error(osem_boxes(from = as.POSIXct("2017-01-01")), "must be used together") expect_error(osem_boxes(to = as.POSIXct("2017-01-01")), "must be used together") }) test_that("a list of boxes with exposure filter returns only the requested exposure", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes(exposure = "mobile") expect_true(all(boxes$exposure == "mobile")) }) test_that("a list of boxes with model filter returns only the requested model", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes(model = "homeWifi") expect_true(all(boxes$model == "homeWifi")) }) test_that("box query can combine exposure and model filter", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes(exposure = "mobile", model = "homeWifi") expect_true(all(boxes$model == "homeWifi")) expect_true(all(boxes$exposure == "mobile")) }) test_that("a list of boxes with grouptype returns only boxes of that group", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes(grouptag = "codeformuenster") expect_true(all(boxes$grouptag == "codeformuenster")) }) test_that("endpoint can be (mis)configured", { check_api() expect_error(osem_boxes(endpoint = ""), "resolve host") }) test_that("a response with no matches returns empty sensebox data.frame and a warning", { check_api() suppressWarnings(boxes <- osem_boxes(grouptag = "does_not_exist")) expect_true( expect_true(any("sensebox" %in% class(boxes))) }) test_that("a response with no matches gives a warning", { check_api() expect_warning(osem_boxes(grouptag = "does_not_exist"), "no senseBoxes found") }) test_that("data.frame can be converted to sensebox data.frame", { df <- osem_as_sensebox(data.frame(c(1,2), c("a", "b"))) expect_equal(class(df), c("sensebox", "data.frame")) }) test_that("boxes can be converted to sf object", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes() boxes_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(boxes) expect_true(all(sf::st_is_simple(boxes_sf))) expect_true("sf" %in% class(boxes_sf)) }) test_that("boxes converted to sf object keep all attributes", { check_api() boxes <- osem_boxes() boxes_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(boxes) # coord columns get removed! cols <- names(boxes)[!names(boxes) %in% c('lon', 'lat')] expect_true(all(cols %in% names(boxes_sf))) expect_true("sensebox" %in% class(boxes_sf)) }) test_that("box retrieval does not give progress information in non-interactive mode", { check_api() if (!opensensmapr:::is_non_interactive()) skip("interactive session") out <- capture.output(b <- osem_boxes()) expect_length(out, 0) })