--- title: "opensensmapr reproducibility: Loading openSenseMap Data from Files" author: "Norwin Roosen" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{opensensmapr reproducibility: Loading openSenseMap Data from Files} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- It may be useful to download data from openSenseMap only once. For reproducible results, the data could be saved to disk, and reloaded at a later point. This avoids.. - changed results for queries without date parameters, - unnecessary wait times, - risk of API changes / API unavailability, - stress on the openSenseMap-server. This vignette shows how to use this built in `opensensmapr` feature, and how to do it yourself, if you want to store to other data formats. ## Using openSensMapr Caching Feature All data retrieval functions of `opensensmapr` have a built in caching feature, which serializes an API response to disk. Subsequent identical requests will then return the serialized data instead of making another request. To do so, each request is given a unique ID based on its parameters. To use this feature, just add a path to a directory to the `cache` parameter: ```{r cache} b = osem_boxes(cache = tempdir()) list.files(tempdir(), pattern = 'osemcache\\..*\\.rds') # the next identical request will hit the cache only! b = osem_boxes(cache = tempdir()) # requests without the cache parameter will still be performed normally b = osem_boxes() ``` You can maintain multiple caches simultaneously which allows to store only serialized data related to a script in its directory: ```{r cache_custom} cacheDir = getwd() # current working directory b = osem_boxes(cache = cacheDir) # the next identical request will hit the cache only! b = osem_boxes(cache = cacheDir) ``` To get fresh results again, just call `osem_clear_cache()` for the respective cache: ```{r clearcache} osem_clear_cache() # clears default cache osem_clear_cache(getwd()) # clears a custom cache ``` ## Custom (De-) Serialization If you want to roll your own serialization method to support custom data formats, here's how: ```{r setup, results='hide'} # this section requires: library(opensensmapr) library(jsonlite) library(readr) # first get our example data: boxes = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi') measurements = osem_measurements(boxes, phenomenon = 'PM10') ``` If you are paranoid and worry about `.rds` files not being decodable anymore in the (distant) future, you could serialize to a plain text format such as JSON. This of course comes at the cost of storage space and performance. ```{r serialize_json} # serializing senseBoxes to JSON, and loading from file again: write(jsonlite::serializeJSON(measurements), 'boxes.json') boxes_from_file = jsonlite::unserializeJSON(readr::read_file('boxes.json')) ``` Both methods also persist the R object metadata (classes, attributes). If you were to use a serialization method that can't persist object metadata, you could re-apply it with the following functions: ```{r serialize_attrs} # note the toJSON call write(jsonlite::toJSON(measurements), 'boxes_bad.json') boxes_without_attrs = jsonlite::fromJSON('boxes_bad.json') boxes_with_attrs = osem_as_sensebox(boxes_without_attrs) class(boxes_with_attrs) ``` The same goes for measurements via `osem_as_measurements()`. ## Workflow for reproducible code For truly reproducible code you want it to work and return the same results -- no matter if you run it the first time or a consecutive time, and without making changes to it. Therefore we need a wrapper around the save-to-file & load-from-file logic. The following examples show a way to do just that, and where inspired by [this reproducible analysis by Daniel Nuest](https://github.com/nuest/sensebox-binder). ```{r osem_offline} # offline logic osem_offline = function (func, file, format='rds', ...) { # deserialize if file exists, otherwise download and serialize if (file.exists(file)) { if (format == 'json') jsonlite::unserializeJSON(readr::read_file(file)) else readRDS(file) } else { data = func(...) if (format == 'json') write(jsonlite::serializeJSON(data), file = file) else saveRDS(data, file) data } } # wrappers for each download function osem_measurements_offline = function (file, ...) { osem_offline(opensensmapr::osem_measurements, file, ...) } osem_boxes_offline = function (file, ...) { osem_offline(opensensmapr::osem_boxes, file, ...) } osem_box_offline = function (file, ...) { osem_offline(opensensmapr::osem_box, file, ...) } osem_counts_offline = function (file, ...) { osem_offline(opensensmapr::osem_counts, file, ...) } ``` Thats it! Now let's try it out: ```{r test} # first run; will download and save to disk b1 = osem_boxes_offline('mobileboxes.rds', exposure='mobile') # consecutive runs; will read from disk b2 = osem_boxes_offline('mobileboxes.rds', exposure='mobile') class(b1) == class(b2) # we can even omit the arguments now (though thats not really the point here) b3 = osem_boxes_offline('mobileboxes.rds') nrow(b1) == nrow(b3) # verify that the custom sensebox methods are still working summary(b2) plot(b3) ``` To re-download the data, just clear the files that were created in the process: ```{r cleanup, results='hide'} file.remove('mobileboxes.rds', 'boxes_bad.json', 'boxes.json', 'measurements.rds') ``` A possible extension to this scheme comes to mind: Omit the specification of a filename, and assign a unique ID to the request instead. For example, one could calculate the SHA-1 hash of the parameters, and use it as filename.