#' @export plot.osem_measurements = function (x, ..., mar = c(2,4,1,1)) { oldpar = par() par(mar = mar) plot(value~createdAt, x, col = factor(x$sensorId), xlab = NA, ylab = x$unit[1], ...) par(mar = oldpar$mar) invisible(x) } #' @export print.osem_measurements = function (x, ...) { print.data.frame(x, ...) invisible(x) } #' Converts a foreign object to an osem_measurements data.frame. #' @param x A data.frame to attach the class to #' @export osem_as_measurements = function(x) { ret = as.data.frame(x) class(ret) = c('osem_measurements', class(x)) ret } #' Return rows with matching conditions, while maintaining class & attributes #' @param .data A osem_measurements data.frame to filter #' @param .dots see corresponding function in package \code{\link{dplyr}} #' @param ... other arguments #' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{filter}} #' @export filter.osem_measurements = dplyr_class_wrapper(osem_as_measurements) #' Add new variables to the data, while maintaining class & attributes #' @param .data A osem_measurements data.frame to mutate #' @param .dots see corresponding function in package \code{\link{dplyr}} #' @param ... other arguments #' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{mutate}} #' @export mutate.osem_measurements = dplyr_class_wrapper(osem_as_measurements) #' maintains class / attributes after subsetting #' @noRd #' @export `[.osem_measurements` = function(x, i, ...) { s = NextMethod('[') mostattributes(s) = attributes(x) s } # ============================================================================== # #' Convert a \code{osem_measurements} dataframe to an \code{\link[sf]{st_sf}} object. #' #' @param x The object to convert #' @param ... maybe more objects to convert #' @return The object with an st_geometry column attached. #' @export st_as_sf.osem_measurements = function (x, ...) { sf:::st_as_sf.data.frame(x, ..., coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 4326) }