% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/measurement.R \name{osem_measurements} \alias{osem_measurements} \alias{osem_measurements.default} \alias{osem_measurements.bbox} \alias{osem_measurements.sensebox} \title{Get the Measurements of a Phenomenon on opensensemap.org} \usage{ osem_measurements(x, ...) \method{osem_measurements}{default}(x, ...) \method{osem_measurements}{bbox}(x, phenomenon, exposure = NA, from = NA, to = NA, columns = NA, ..., endpoint = osem_endpoint(), progress = T) \method{osem_measurements}{sensebox}(x, phenomenon, exposure = NA, from = NA, to = NA, columns = NA, ..., endpoint = osem_endpoint(), progress = T) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Depending on the method, either \enumerate{ \item a \code{chr} specifying the phenomenon, see \code{phenomenon} \item a \code{\link[sf]{st_bbox}} to select sensors spatially, \item a \code{sensebox data.frame} to select boxes from which measurements will be retrieved, }} \item{...}{see parameters below} \item{phenomenon}{The phenomenon to retrieve measurements for} \item{exposure}{Filter sensors by their exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile')} \item{from}{A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval} \item{to}{A \code{POSIXt} like object to select a time interval} \item{columns}{Select specific column in the output (see oSeM documentation)} \item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API} \item{progress}{Whether to print download progress information} } \value{ An \code{osem_measurements data.frame} containing the requested measurements } \description{ Measurements can be retrieved either for a set of boxes, or through a spatial bounding box filter. To get all measurements, the \code{default} function applies a bounding box spanning the whole world. } \section{Methods (by class)}{ \itemize{ \item \code{default}: Get measurements from \strong{all} senseBoxes. \item \code{bbox}: Get measurements by a spatial filter. \item \code{sensebox}: Get measurements from a set of senseBoxes. }} \examples{ # get measurements from all boxes osem_measurements('Windrichtung') # get measurements from sensors within a bounding box bbox = structure(c(7, 51, 8, 52), class = 'bbox') osem_measurements(bbox, 'Temperatur') points = sf::st_multipoint(matrix(c(7.5, 7.8, 51.7, 52), 2, 2)) bbox2 = sf::st_bbox(points) osem_measurements(bbox2, 'Temperatur', exposure = 'outdoor') # get measurements from a set of boxes b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi') osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur') # ...or a single box b = osem_box('57000b8745fd40c8196ad04c') osem_measurements(b, phenomenon = 'Temperatur') } \seealso{ \href{https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-getDataMulti}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)} \code{\link{osem_boxes}} }