Package: opensensmapr Type: Package Title: Client for the Data API of Version: 0.4.2 URL: BugReports: Imports: dplyr, httr, digest, magrittr Suggests: maps, maptools, readr, tibble, rgeos, sf, knitr, rmarkdown, lubridate, units, jsonlite, ggplot2, zoo, lintr, testthat, covr Authors@R: c(person("Norwin", "Roosen", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Daniel", "Nuest", role = c("ctb"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-2392-6140"))) Description: Download environmental measurements and sensor station metadata from the API of open data sensor web platform for analysis in R. This platform provides real time data of more than 1500 low-cost sensor stations for PM10, PM2.5, temperature, humidity, UV-A intensity and more phenomena. The package aims to be compatible with 'sf' and the 'Tidyverse', and provides several helper functions for data exploration and transformation. License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 VignetteBuilder: knitr