# opensensmapr changelog This project does its best to adhere to semantic versioning. ### 2017-11-29: v0.3.1 - compatibility with latest API format (#4) - add package documentation under `?opensensmapr` (#5) ### 2017-09-04: v0.3.0 - add utility functions: `filter`, `mutate`, `[`, `st_as_sf` for classes `sensebox` and `osem_measurements` - add `osem_as_sensebox` and `osem_as_measurement` constructors #### breaking changes - `osem_as_sf` has moved to `st_as_sf.sensebox` and `st_as_sf.osem_measurements` ### 2017-08-24: v0.2.1 - add labels to `osem_measurements` plots - add last active counts to `tools/monitor` #### fixes - fix regression from #2 for requests without from/to ### 2017-08-23: v0.2.0 - add auto paging for `osem_measurements()`, allowing data retrieval for arbitrary time intervals (#2) - improve plots for `osem_measurements` & `sensebox` (#1) - add `sensorId` & `unit` colummn to `get_measurements()` output by default - show download progress info, hide readr output - shorten vignette `osem-intro` #### breaking changes - return all string columns of `get_measurements()` as factors