% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/archive.R \name{archive_fetch_measurements} \alias{archive_fetch_measurements} \title{fetch measurements from archive from a single box, and a single sensor} \usage{ archive_fetch_measurements(box, sensorId, fromDate, toDate, progress) } \arguments{ \item{box}{A sensebox data.frame with a single box} \item{sensorId}{Character specifying the sensor} \item{fromDate}{Start date for measurement download, must be convertable via `as.Date`.} \item{toDate}{End date for measurement download (inclusive).} \item{progress}{whether to print progress} } \value{ A \code{tbl_df} containing observations of all selected sensors for each time stamp. } \description{ fetch measurements from archive from a single box, and a single sensor }