#' @export plot.sensebox = function (x, ..., mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1)) { geom = x %>% sf::st_as_sf() %>% sf::st_geometry() bbox = sf::st_bbox(geom) world = maps::map('world', plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE) %>% sf::st_as_sf() %>% sf::st_geometry() oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(oldpar)) par(mar = mar) plot(world, col = 'gray', xlim = bbox[c(1, 3)], ylim = bbox[c(2, 4)], axes = TRUE, ...) plot(geom, add = TRUE, col = x$exposure, ...) legend('left', legend = levels(x$exposure), col = 1:length(x$exposure), pch = 1) invisible(x) } #' @export print.sensebox = function(x, columns = c('name', 'exposure', 'lastMeasurement', 'phenomena'), ...) { data = as.data.frame(x) print(dplyr::select(data, dplyr::one_of(columns)), ...) invisible(x) } #' @export summary.sensebox = function(object, ...) { cat('boxes total:', nrow(object), fill = TRUE) cat('\nboxes by exposure:') table(object$exposure) %>% print() cat('\nboxes by model:') table(object$model) %>% print() cat('\n') diffNow = (date_as_utc(Sys.time()) - object$lastMeasurement) %>% as.numeric(unit = 'hours') list( 'last_measurement_within' = c( '1h' = nrow(dplyr::filter(object, diffNow <= 1)), '1d' = nrow(dplyr::filter(object, diffNow <= 24)), '30d' = nrow(dplyr::filter(object, diffNow <= 720)), '365d' = nrow(dplyr::filter(object, diffNow <= 8760)), 'never' = nrow(dplyr::filter(object, is.na(lastMeasurement))) ) ) %>% print() oldest = object[object$createdAt == min(object$createdAt), ] newest = object[object$createdAt == max(object$createdAt), ] cat('oldest box:', format(oldest$createdAt, '%F %T'), paste0('(', oldest$name, ')'), fill = TRUE) cat('newest box:', format(newest$createdAt, '%F %T'), paste0('(', newest$name, ')'), fill = TRUE) cat('\nsensors per box:', fill = TRUE) lapply(object$phenomena, length) %>% as.numeric() %>% summary() %>% print() invisible(object) } #' Converts a foreign object to a sensebox data.frame. #' @param x A data.frame to attach the class to #' @return data.frame of class \code{sensebox} #' @export osem_as_sensebox = function(x) { ret = as.data.frame(x) class(ret) = c('sensebox', class(x)) ret }