build performance improvements

Norwin 6 years ago
parent 80dc58a298
commit 8d515a5fb0

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ osem_phenomena = function (boxes) UseMethod('osem_phenomena')
#' # get the phenomena for a single senseBox
#' osem_phenomena(osem_box('593bcd656ccf3b0011791f5a'))
#' # get the phenomena for a group of senseBoxes
#' osem_phenomena(
#' osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor', date = Sys.time())
#' )
#' # get phenomena with at least 30 sensors on opensensemap
#' \donttest{
#' # get the phenomena for a group of senseBoxes
#' osem_phenomena(
#' osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor', date = Sys.time())
#' )
#' # get phenomena with at least 30 sensors on opensensemap
#' phenoms = osem_phenomena(osem_boxes())
#' names(phenoms[phenoms > 29])
#' }

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Thats still more than 200 measuring stations, we can work with that.
### Analyzing sensor data
Having analyzed the available data sources, let's finally get some measurements.
We could call `osem_measurements(pm25_sensors)` now, however we are focussing on
We could call `osem_measurements(pm25_sensors)` now, however we are focusing on
a restricted area of interest, the city of Berlin.
Luckily we can get the measurements filtered by a bounding box:
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ berlin = st_point(c(13.4034, 52.5120)) %>%
pm25 = osem_measurements(
phenomenon = 'PM2.5',
from = now() - days(20), # defaults to 2 days
from = now() - days(3), # defaults to 2 days
to = now()
