@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Luckily we can get the measurements filtered by a bounding box:
# construct a bounding box: 12 kilometers around Berlin
berlin = st_point(c(13.4034, 52.5120)) %>%
@ -120,19 +121,34 @@ berlin = st_point(c(13.4034, 52.5120)) %>%
pm25 = osem_measurements(
phenomenon = 'PM2.5',
from = now() - days(7), # defaults to 2 days
from = now() - days(20), # defaults to 2 days
to = now()
Now we can get started with actual spatiotemporal data analysis. First plot the
measuring locations:
Now we can get started with actual spatiotemporal data analysis.
First, lets mask the seemingly uncalibrated sensors:
outliers = filter(pm25, value > 100)$sensorId
bad_sensors = outliers[, drop = T] %>% levels()
pm25 = mutate(pm25, invalid = sensorId %in% bad_sensors)
Then plot the measuring locations, flagging the outliers:
pm25_sf = osem_as_sf(pm25)
plot(st_geometry(pm25_sf), axes = T)
st_geometry(pm25_sf) %>% plot(col = factor(pm25$invalid), axes = T)
Removing these sensors yields a nicer time series plot:
pm25 %>% filter(invalid == FALSE) %>% plot()
further analysis: `TODO`
Further analysis: comparison with LANUV data `TODO`