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# opensensmapr changelog
7 years ago
This project does its best to adhere to semantic versioning.
6 years ago
### 2019-02-09: v0.5.1
- fix package to work with API v6
- box$lastMeasurement may be missing now for long inactive boxes
- add tests
6 years ago
### 2018-10-20: v0.5.0
- fix dynamic method export
- add `osem_measurements_archive()` to fetch measurements from the archive (#23)
- add `box$sensors` containing a data.frame with sensor metadata
- add sensor-IDs to `box$phenomena`
6 years ago
### 2018-09-21: v0.4.3
- dynamically export S3 methods of forgeign generics
for compatibility with upcoming R 3.6.0
- add `readr` as default dependency
6 years ago
### 2018-09-05: v0.4.2
- move to sensebox GitHub organization
- pass ... to plot.sensebox()
6 years ago
### 2018-06-07: v0.4.1
- fix `osem_as_measurements()` returning wrong classes
- improve vignettes
- be on CRAN eventually.. hopefully??
6 years ago
### 2018-05-25: v0.4.0
- add caching feature for requests; see vignette osem-serialization
- add vignette osem-serialization
- add vignette osem-history
- fix broken parameter check for osem_measurements(phenomenon = )
- increased test coverage
- package ready for CRAN
7 years ago
### 2018-01-13: v0.3.2
- hide download progress in non interactive sessions (#11)
- fix `print.osem_measurements()`
- fix `summary.sensebox()` `last_measurement_within`
- expose `mar` for plot functions (#12)
- remove deprecated NSE functions from dplyr
- package & documentation improvements
7 years ago
### 2017-11-29: v0.3.1
- compatibility with latest API format (#4)
- add package documentation under `?opensensmapr` (#5)
7 years ago
### 2017-09-04: v0.3.0
- add utility functions: `filter`, `mutate`, `[`, `st_as_sf` for classes `sensebox` and `osem_measurements`
- add `osem_as_sensebox` and `osem_as_measurement` constructors
#### breaking changes
- `osem_as_sf` has moved to `st_as_sf.sensebox` and `st_as_sf.osem_measurements`
7 years ago
### 2017-08-24: v0.2.1
- add labels to `osem_measurements` plots
- add last active counts to `tools/monitor`
#### fixes
- fix regression from #2 for requests without from/to
### 2017-08-23: v0.2.0
- add auto paging for `osem_measurements()`, allowing data retrieval for arbitrary time intervals (#2)
- improve plots for `osem_measurements` & `sensebox` (#1)
- add `sensorId` & `unit` colummn to `get_measurements()` output by default
- show download progress info, hide readr output
- shorten vignette `osem-intro`
#### breaking changes
- return all string columns of `get_measurements()` as factors