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# opensensmapr
[![CRAN status](]( [![Travis build status](]( [![AppVeyor Build Status](]( [![Coverage status](](
This R package ingests data (environmental measurements, sensor stations) from the API of for analysis in R.
The package aims to be compatible with sf and the tidyverse.
## Installation
The package is available on CRAN, install it via
To install the veryy latest from GitHub, run:
devtools::install_github('noerw/opensensmapr@master') # latest stable version
devtools::install_github('noerw/opensensmapr@development') # bleeding edge version
## Usage
Each function's documentation can be viewed with `?<function-name>`.
An overview is given in `?opensensmapr`.
A verbose usage example is shown in the vignette [`osem-intro`](
In short, the following pseudocode shows the main functions for data retrieval:
# retrieve a single box by id, or many boxes by some property-filters
b = osem_box('boxId')
b = osem_boxes(filter1, filter2, ...)
# get the counts of observed phenomena for a list of boxes
p = osem_phenomena(b)
# get measurements for a phenomenon
m = osem_measurements(phenomenon, filter1, ...)
# get measurements for a phenomenon from selected boxes
m = osem_measurements(b, phenomenon, filter1, ...)
# get measurements for a phenomenon from a geographic bounding box
m = osem_measurements(bbox, phenomenon, filter1, ...)
# get general count statistics of the openSenseMap database
Additionally there are some helpers: `summary.sensebox(), plot.sensebox(), st_as_sf.sensebox(), osem_as_sensebox(), [.sensebox(), filter.sensebox(), mutate.sensebox(), ...`.
## Changelog
This project adheres to semantic versioning, for changes in recent versions please consult [](
## Contributing & Development
Contributions are very welcome!
When submitting a patch, please follow the existing [code style](.lintr),
and run `R CMD check --no-vignettes .` on the package.
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](
By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
## License
GPL-2.0 - Norwin Roosen