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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/box.R
\title{Get a set of senseBoxes from the openSenseMap}
osem_boxes(exposure = NA, model = NA, grouptag = NA, date = NA,
from = NA, to = NA, phenomenon = NA,
endpoint = "")
\item{exposure}{Only return boxes with the given exposure ('indoor', 'outdoor', 'mobile')}
\item{model}{Only return boxes with the given model}
\item{grouptag}{Only return boxes with the given grouptag}
\item{date}{Only return boxes that were measuring within ±4 hours of the given time}
\item{from}{Only return boxes that were measuring later than this time}
\item{to}{Only return boxes that were measuring earlier than this time}
\item{phenomenon}{Only return boxes that measured the given phenomenon in the
time interval as specified through \code{date} or \code{from / to}}
\item{endpoint}{The URL of the openSenseMap API instance}
A \code{sensebox data.frame} containing a box in each row
Boxes can be selected by a set of filters.
Note that some filters do not work together:
\item \code{phenomenon} can only be applied together with \code{date} or
\code{from / to}
\item \code{date} and \code{from / to} cannot be specified together
# get *all* boxes available on the API
b = osem_boxes()
# get all boxes with grouptag 'ifgi' that are placed outdoors
b = osem_boxes(grouptag = 'ifgi', exposure = 'outdoor')
# get all boxes that have measured PM2.5 in the last 4 hours
b = osem_boxes(date = Sys.time(), phenomenon = 'PM2.5')
\href{}{openSenseMap API documentation (web)}