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This code records data from the BME280 sensor and provides an API.
This file is part of the Arduino BME280 library.
Copyright (C) 2016 Tyler Glenn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Written: Dec 30 2015.
Last Updated: Jan 1 2016. - Happy New year!
This code is licensed under the GNU LGPL and is open for ditrbution
and copying in accordance with the license.
This header must be included in any derived code or copies of the code.
Based on the data sheet provided by Bosch for the Bme280 environmental sensor.
#ifndef TG_BME_280_H
#define TG_BME_280_H
/* ==== Includes ==== */
#include "Arduino.h"
/* ==== END Includes ==== */
/* ==== Defines ==== */
#define CTRL_HUM_ADDR 0xF2
#define CTRL_MEAS_ADDR 0xF4
#define CONFIG_ADDR 0xF5
#define PRESS_ADDR 0xF7
#define TEMP_ADDR 0xFA
#define HUM_ADDR 0xFD
#define TEMP_DIG_ADDR 0x88
#define PRESS_DIG_ADDR 0x8E
#define HUM_DIG_ADDR1 0xA1
#define HUM_DIG_ADDR2 0xE1
/* ==== END Defines ==== */
class BME280{
uint8_t tempOversamplingRate, humidityOversamplingRate, pressureOversamplingRate; // B000 = Skipped, B001 = x1, B010 = x2, B011 = x4, B100 = x8, B101/other = x16
uint8_t mode; // Sleep = B00, Normal = B01 and B10, Forced = B11
uint8_t standbyTime; // B000 = 0.5ms, B001 = 62.5ms, B010 = 125ms, B011 = 250ms, B100 = 250ms, B101 = 1000ms, B110 = 10ms, B111 = 20ms
uint8_t filter; // B000 = off, B001 = 2, B010 = 4, B011 = 8, B100/other = 16
uint8_t controlHumidity; // ctrl_hum register. (ctrl_hum[2:0] = Humidity oversampling rate.)
uint8_t controlMeasure; // ctrl_meas register. (ctrl_meas[7:5] = temperature oversampling rate, ctrl_meas[4:2] = pressure oversampling rate, ctrl_meas[1:0] = mode.)
uint8_t config; // config register. (config[7:5] = standby time, config[4:2] = filter, ctrl_meas[0] = spi enable.)
uint8_t dig[32];
bool spiEnable;
/* ==== Write values to BME280 registers. ==== */
virtual void WriteRegister(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data)=0;
/* ==== Read the the trim data from the BME280, return true if successful. ==== */
virtual bool ReadTrim()=0;
/* ==== Read the raw data from the BME280 into an array and return true if successful. ==== */
virtual bool ReadData(int32_t data[8])=0;
/* ==== Calculate the temperature from the BME280 raw data and BME280 trim, return a float. ==== */
float CalculateTemperature(int32_t raw, int32_t& t_fine, bool celsius = true);
/* ==== Calculate the humidity from the BME280 raw data and BME280 trim, return a float. ==== */
float CalculateHumidity(int32_t raw, int32_t t_fine);
/* ==== Calculate the pressure from the BME280 raw data and BME280 trim, return a float. ==== */
float CalculatePressure(int32_t raw, int32_t t_fine, uint8_t unit = 0x0); // unit: B000/other = Pa, B001 = hPa, B010 = inHg, B011 = atm, B100 = bar, B101 = torr, B110 = N/m^2, B111 = psi
/* ==== Constructor used to create the class. All parameters have default values. ==== */
BME280(uint8_t tosr = 0x1, uint8_t hosr = 0x1, uint8_t posr = 0x1, uint8_t mode = 0x3,
uint8_t st = 0x5, uint8_t filter = 0x0, bool spiEnable = false); // Oversampling = 1, mode = normal, standby time = 1000ms, filter = none.
/* ==== Method used at start up to initialize the class. ==== */
virtual bool begin()=0;
void setMode(uint8_t mode);
/* ==== Read the temperature from the BME280 and return a float. ==== */
float temp(bool celsius = true);
/* ==== Read the pressure from the BME280 and return a float with the specified unit. ==== */
float press(uint8_t unit = 0x0); // unit: B000 = Pa, B001 = hPa, B010 = Hg, B011 = atm, B100 = bar, B101 = torr, B110 = N/m^2, B111 = psi
/* ==== Read the humidity from the BME280 and return a percentage as a float. ==== */
float hum();
/* ==== Read the data from the BME280 with the specified units. ==== */
void read(float& pressure, float& temp, float& humidity, bool metric = true, uint8_t p_unit = 0x0);
/* ==== Read the data from the BME280 with the specified units and then calculate the altitude. ==== */
float alt(bool metric = true, float seaLevelPressure = 101325);
/* ==== Calculate the altitude based on the pressure with the specified units. ==== */
float alt(float pressure, bool metric = true, float seaLevelPressure = 101325); // Pressure given in Pa.
/* ==== Read BME280 data and calculate the dew point with the specified units. ==== */
float dew(bool metric = true);
/* ==== Calculate the dew point based on the temperature and humidity with the specified units. ==== */
float dew(float temp, float hum, bool metric = true);
#endif // TG_BME_280_H