read SDS011 & HDC1008 instead

noerw 7 years ago
parent 9739832f0c
commit 54b9f91628

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include "lib/BME280/BME280I2C.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "wifi.h"
@ -8,6 +7,11 @@
#include "TelnetPrint.h"
#include "streampipe.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <HDC100X.h>
#include <SDS011-select-serial.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define DEBUG_OUT telnet // debug output is available via telnet!
Storage storage = Storage();
@ -16,7 +20,9 @@ TelnetPrint telnet = TelnetPrint();
OsemApi api = OsemApi();
Gps gps = Gps();
BME280I2C bme(1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 0, false, 0x77);
SoftwareSerial sdsSerial(D1, D2); //D1, D2 works but kills I2C.. D4 is LED!
SDS011 sds(sdsSerial);
HDC100X hdc(0x43);
unsigned long cycleStart;
WifiState wifiState; // global, as both measure and upload need the state
@ -34,7 +40,8 @@ bool storeMeasurement(float lat, float lng, float value, const char* timeStamp,
void measure(WifiState& wifiState, TinyGPSLocation& loc) {
char dateString[22];
float temperature, humid, pressure;
float temperature, humidity, pm25, pm10;
int sds_error;
// measure WiFi
wifiState = wifi.scan(WIFI_SSID);
@ -42,15 +49,21 @@ void measure(WifiState& wifiState, TinyGPSLocation& loc) {
// update gps position. if we can't get a fix, skip the measurements
if(!gps.updateLocation() || !gps.updateTime()) {
DEBUG_OUT << "GPS timed out, skipping measurements" << EOL;
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // turn status LED on
//digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // turn status LED on
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
loc = gps.getLocation();
gps.getISODate(dateString);, temperature, humid, 1, true);
temperature = hdc.getTemp();
humidity = hdc.getHumi();
sds_error =, &pm10);
if (sds_error) {
DEBUG_OUT << "could not read SDS011" << EOL;
// print state
DEBUG_OUT << "homeAvailable: " << wifiState.homeAvailable << EOL;
@ -58,7 +71,9 @@ void measure(WifiState& wifiState, TinyGPSLocation& loc) {
DEBUG_OUT << "numNetworks: " << wifiState.numNetworks << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "numUnencrypted: " << wifiState.numUnencrypted << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "temperature: " << temperature << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "pressure: " << pressure << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "humidity: " << humidity << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "PM2.5: " << pm25 << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT << "PM10: " << pm10 << EOL;
DEBUG_OUT.print("lat: ");
DEBUG_OUT.print(, 8);
@ -66,8 +81,6 @@ void measure(WifiState& wifiState, TinyGPSLocation& loc) {
DEBUG_OUT.println(loc.lng(), 8);
DEBUG_OUT << dateString << EOL;
// IDEA: write location update to separate file?
// write measurements to file
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), wifiState.numAccessPoints, dateString, ID_SENSOR_WIFI_APS))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (wifi aps) store failed!" << EOL;
@ -78,11 +91,21 @@ void measure(WifiState& wifiState, TinyGPSLocation& loc) {
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), wifiState.numUnencrypted, dateString, ID_SENSOR_WIFI_OPEN))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (wifi open) store failed!" << EOL;
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), temperature, dateString, ID_SENSOR_TEMP))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (temperature) store failed!" << EOL;
if (temperature != -40) {
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), temperature, dateString, ID_SENSOR_TEMP))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (temperature) store failed!" << EOL;
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), humidity, dateString, ID_SENSOR_HUMI))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (humidity) store failed!" << EOL;
if (!sds_error) {
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), pm10, dateString, ID_SENSOR_PM10))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (pm10) store failed!" << EOL;
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), pressure, dateString, ID_SENSOR_PRESSURE))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (pressure) store failed!" << EOL;
if (!storeMeasurement(, loc.lng(), pm25, dateString, ID_SENSOR_PM25))
DEBUG_OUT << "measurement (pm25) store failed!" << EOL;
@ -157,20 +180,20 @@ void adaptiveDelay(unsigned long ms, TinyGPSLocation& lastLoc, unsigned long off
void setup() {
pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // status indicator LED: on = no GPS fix
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW);
//pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // status indicator LED: on = no GPS fix
//digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW);
pinMode(PIN_MEASURE_MODE, INPUT_PULLUP); // switch for measurements (pull it down to disable)
pinMode(PIN_UPLOAD_MODE, INPUT_PULLUP); // switch for API uploads (pull it down to disable)
size_t bytesFree = storage.begin();
wifi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS);
while(!bme.begin(D14, D15)){
adaptiveDelay(1000, location);
DEBUG_OUT.println("Could not find BME280I2C sensor!");
hdc.begin(HDC100X_TEMP_HUMI, HDC100X_14BIT, HDC100X_14BIT, DISABLE);
// wait until we got a first fix from GPS, and thus an initial time
// exception: measure mode is disabled (for quick upload only)
@ -182,7 +205,7 @@ void setup() {
location = gps.getLocation();
DEBUG_OUT << " done!" << EOL;
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
