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# lora-gps senseBox
This is a GPS tracked senseBox measuring particulate matter concentrations,
transmitting its data via LoRaWAN through [TheThingsNetwork] to [openSenseMap].
It's based on
- Arduino Mega (Arduino Uno should work to, just use SoftwareSerial for the SDS011)
- Dragino LoRa- & GPS-Shield
- SD-card reader (I used the one on the senseBox-Shield. Any other one should work as well, change the `SD_PIN` in `config.h`)
- Novafit SDS011 particulate matter sensor
- HDC1008 temp- & humidity sensor
For mobile power supply I used an Adafruit LiPo charger + 5.6Ah LiPo.
## Sketch setup & opsensensemap integration
- Register a device under <>
- register a new application first
- register a new device
- note down the following values: Device ID, Application ID, Device EUI, App EUI, App Session Key
- add the HTTP Integration to your application and point it to POST to ``
(no authentication headers are required)
- Register a senseBox at <> (or use the script ``!)
- select `mobile` for exposure
- select the location where you plan the first deployment
- select the model `Luftdaten with SDS011 & DHT22`
- enable TheThingsNetwork Integration, and insert your Device ID and AppId, choose profile `lora-serialization`.
Insert the following into Decode Options:
[{"decoder":"latLng"},{"decoder":"temperature","sensor_title":"Temperatur"},{"decoder":"humidity","sensor_title":"rel. Luftfeuchte"},{"decoder":"temperature","sensor_title":"PM2.5"},{"decoder":"temperature","sensor_title":"PM10"}]
- Insert the EUIs & App Session Key you received from TTN in `config.h`
## Hardware Setup
- Flash the sketch using Arduino IDE
- Stack the senseBox Shield onto the Arduino, then stack the Dragino shield on top.
- Remove the `GPS_TX` and `GPS_RX` jumpers on the Dragino Shield, and wire these
pins instead to the Arduinos `RX3` and `TX3` pins.
- Wire the SDS011: RX & TX go to `RX2` and `TX2` on the Arduino, GND to GND, 5V to 5V ;)
- Connect the LiPo to the LiPo-Charger, and connect the USB Output to the Arduino
- Done!