var Ardublockly = Ardublockly || {}; Ardublockly.LOCALISED_TEXT = { translationLanguage: "English", title: "senseBox", blocks: "Blocks", /* Menu */ open: "Open Blocks", save: "Save Blocks", save_ino: "Save Sketch", deleteAll: "Delete All", settings: "Settings", documentation: "Documentation", reportBug: "Report Bug", examples: "Examples", Blink: "Blink", Display_print: "Print on Display", GPS: "Print GPS on Display", send_osem: "Send to oSeM", /* Settings */ compilerLocation: "Compiler Location", compilerLocationDefault: "Compiler Location unknown", sketchFolder: "Sketch Folder", sketchFolderDefault: "Sketch Folder unknown", arduinoBoard: "Arduino Board", arduinoBoardDefault: "Arduino Board unknown", comPort: "COM Port", comPortDefault: "COM Port unknown", defaultIdeButton: "Default IDE Button", defaultIdeButtonDefault: "IDE options unknown", language: "Language", languageDefault: "Language unknown", sketchName: "Sketch Name", /* Arduino console output */ arduinoOpMainTitle: "Arduino IDE output", arduinoOpWaiting: "Waiting for the IDE output...", arduinoOpUploadedTitle: "Successfully Uploaded Sketch", arduinoOpVerifiedTitle: "Successfully Verified Sketch", arduinoOpOpenedTitle: "Sketch opened in IDE", arduinoOpOpenedBody: "The sketch should be loaded in the Arduino IDE.", arduinoOpErrorTitle: "There has been an error", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_0: "No error.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_1: "Build or Upload failed.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_2: "Sketch not found.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_3: "Invalid command line argument.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_4: "Preference passed to 'get-pref' flag does not exist.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_5: "Not Clear, but Arduino IDE sometimes errors with this.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_50: "Unexpected error code from Arduino IDE", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_51: "Could not create sketch file", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_52: "Invalid path to internally created sketch file", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_53: "Unable to find Arduino IDE
" + "The compiler directory has not been set correctly.
" + "Please ensure the path is correct in the Settings.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_54: "What should we do with the Sketch?
" + "The launch IDE option has not been set.
" + "Please select an IDE option in the Settings.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_55: "Serial Port unavailable
" + "The Serial Port is not accessible.
" + "Please check if the Arduino is correctly connected to the PC and select the Serial Port in the Settings.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_56: "Unknown Arduino Board
" + "The Arduino Board has not been set.
" + "Please select the appropriate Arduino Board from the settings.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_52: "Unexpected server error.", arduinoOpErrorIdContext_64: "Unable to parse sent JSON.", arduinoOpErrorUnknown: "Unexpected error", /* Modals */ noServerTitle: "Ardublockly app not running", noServerTitleBody: "

For all the Ardublockly features to be enabled, the Ardublockly desktop application must be running locally on your computer.

" + "

If you are using an online version you will not be able to configure the settings nor load the blocks code into an Arduino.

" + "

Installation instruction can be found in the Ardublockly repository.

" + "

If you have Ardublockly already installed, make sure the application is running correctly.

", noServerNoLangBody: "If the Ardublockly application is not running the language cannot be fully changed.", addBlocksTitle: "Additional Blocks", copy_paste_mcu: "Copy the .BIN Datei to your senseBox MCU.
If your senseBox MCU is not shown do a fast double push to the reset button.
"+ "
" + "You need more help? See here Blockly for senseBox Book", /* Alerts */ loadNewBlocksTitle: "Load new blocks?", loadNewBlocksBody: "Loading a new XML file will replace the current blocks from the workspace.
" + "Are you sure you want to proceed?", discardBlocksTitle: "Delete blocks?", discardBlocksBody: "There are %1 blocks on the workspace.
" + "Are you sure you want to delete them?", invalidXmlTitle: "Invalid XML", invalidXmlBody: "The XML file was not successfully parsed into blocks. Please review the XML code and try again.", errorFilename: "The Filename should not contain more than 8 characters", /* Tooltips */ uploadingSketch: "Uploading Sketch into Arduino...", uploadSketch: "Upload Sketch to the Arduino", verifyingSketch: "Verifying Sketch...", verifySketch: "Verify the Sketch", openingSketch: "Opening Sketch in the Arduino IDE...", openSketch: "Open Sketch in IDE", notImplemented: "Function not yet implemented", /* Prompts */ ok: "OK", okay: "Okay", cancel: "Cancel", return: "Return", notshow: "Do not show this again", /* Cards */ arduinoSourceCode: "Arduino Source Code", blocksXml: "Blocks XML", /* Toolbox Categories*/ catSenseBox_Sensor:"Sensors", catSenseBox_Output:"senseBox output", catSenseBox_Display:"Display", catSenseBoxOutput_SD:"SD", catSenseBoxOutput_Web:"Web", catSenseBoxOutput_Webserver:"Webserver", catSenseBox_Led: "LED", catSenseBox_Wifi: "WiFi", catSenseBox_osem: "openSenseMap", catLogic: "Logic", catLoops: "Loops", catMath: "Math", catText: "Text", catVariables: "Variables", catFunctions: "Functions", catInputOutput: "Input/Output", catTime: "Time", catAudio: "Audio", catMotors: "Motors", catComms: "Comms", catAdvanced: "Advanced", code_copied: "Code was copied", save_to_clipboard: "Copy to clipboard", compile_sketch: "Compile sketch", sketch_compiled: "Sketch was compiled" };