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<img src="TODO-nice-wifi-sensebox-pictrogram>" />
<!-- intro -->
To program your senseBox wirelessly, please follow these steps.
We will help you connect to your senseBox via WiFi.
Please make sure that your senseBox..
<ion-col col-lg-6>
<ion-icon name="wifi" style="font-size: 160px"></ion-icon>
To <b>program your senseBox</b> wirelessly, please follow these steps.
We will help you connect to your senseBox via <b>WiFi</b>.
<ul style="text-align: left">
<ion-col col-lg-6>
<li>has the WiFi shield plugged in</li>
<p>First, please make sure that your senseBox...</p>
<li>has the initial OTA sketch installed</li>
<ul style="text-align: left">
<li>TODO review this list foo bar lorem ipsum</li>
<li>has the <b>WiFi shield</b> plugged in</li>
<li>has the initial <b>OTA sketch</b> installed</li>
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