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5 years ago
# Blockly for senseBox app [![Build Status](][travis] [![Fdroid Badge](][fdroid] [![github releases](][releases]
6 years ago
Blockly for senseBox is a visual programming editor for the senseBox:edu on mobile.
5 years ago
It is based on Google's [Blockly]( and Carlos Pereira Atencio's [Ardublockly](
6 years ago
5 years ago
### Features
- generate Arduino code with visual drag-and-drop blocks, with blocks for the senseBox platform.
- online compiler for senseBox MCU
5 years ago
- over the air programming via WiFi
- Android 7+ & Web-browser support. (iOS support is upcoming)
[<img src="" height="75" />][fdroid]
[<img src="" height="75" />][playstore]
5 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
## Development
This is an Ionic 3 / Angular 5 application using Cordova Plugins for mobile-native functionality.
6 years ago
### dev env setup
For a basic web version, only Node.js 8+ is required.
For Android & iOS builds the respective platform tooling is required.
6 years ago
This repo contains mandatory submodules; so you need to clone this repo via
git clone --recursive
To install npm dependencies run `npm install` once.
6 years ago
Then run `npm start` to start a hot-reloading development view in the browser on <http://localhost:8100>.
6 years ago
Ionic & cordova provide CLIs for plugin installation & code generation. You might want to install them with `npm install -g ionic cordova`.
6 years ago
#### android specific
First install the Android toolchain on your system.
Make sure you have the correct environment variables set.
On linux you could add this to your `~/.bashrc`:
export ANDROID_SDK=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK/emulator:$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$ANDROID_SDK/tools/bin:$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools:$ANDROID_SDK/build-tools/28.0.3
To build & deploy on an emulator or device use the `android:*` build commands defined in `package.json` (some only work on linux), for example:
npm run android:dev # build debug build & deploy to connected device & restart app
###### release signing
You need a keystore with a valid signing key!
zipalign -p 4 blockly-unsigned.apk blockly-aligned.apk
apksigner sign -ks reedu-android.keystore --in blockly-aligned.apk --out blockly-signed.apk
### updating blockly
Blockly is included as a submodule, linking to <>.
To update it, just pull in the commit you want, and commit the change in this repository:
cd src/assets/blockly
git pull
cd ../../..
git commit -m 'update blockly'
## License
The source code in this repository is GPL-2 licensed.
Submodules such as Blockly may be licensed differently, please check their respective repositories.