You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
4.7 KiB

/* tslint:disable interface-name max-classes-per-file */
declare module 'ttn' {
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
export function application(appId: string, accessKey: string): Promise<types.ApplicationClient>
export function data(appId: string, accessKey: string): Promise<types.DataClient>
export namespace types {
export interface ApplicationClient {
get(): Promise<types.IApplication>
setPayloadFormat(format: types.IPayloadFormat): Promise<void>
setCustomPayloadFunctions(fns: types.IPayloadFunctions): Promise<void>
setRegisterOnJoinAccessKey(to: string): Promise<void>
unregister(): Promise<void>
devices(): Promise<types.IDevice[]>
registerDevice(devID: string, device: types.IDevice): Promise<types.IDevice[]>
updateDevice(devID: string, device: types.IDevice): Promise<void>
deleteDevice(devID: string): Promise<void>
export type IPayloadFormat = 'custom' | 'cayenne'
export type IPayloadFunctions = {
converter?: string
decoder?: string
encoder?: string
validator?: string
[k: string]: string
export type IApplication = {
appId: string
payloadFormat: IPayloadFormat
registerOnJoinAccessKey?: string
} & IPayloadFunctions
export interface IDevice {
altitude: number
app_id: string
description: string
dev_id: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
lorawan_device: {
activation_constraints: string;
app_eui: string;
app_id: string;
app_key: string;
app_s_key: string;
dev_addr: string;
dev_eui: string;
dev_id: string;
disable_f_cnt_check: boolean;
f_cnt_down: number;
f_cnt_up: number;
last_seen: number;
nwk_s_key: string;
uses32_bit_f_cnt: boolean;
export interface DataClient extends EventEmitter {
on(message: 'error', handler: (err: Error) => void): this
on(message: 'connect', handler: (connack: object) => void): this
on(message: DataEvent,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
on(message: DataEvent, devID: string,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
on(message: DataEvent, devID: string, event: DeviceEvent,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
off(message: DataEvent,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
off(message: DataEvent, devID: string,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
off(message: DataEvent, devID: string, event: DeviceEvent,
handler: (devID: string, data: types.IActivationMessage | types.IDownlinkMessage) => void): this
send(devID: string, payload: Buffer | any[] | object, port?: number, confirmed?: boolean): this
type DataEvent =
'uplink' | 'message' |
'activation' |
'event' | 'device'
type DeviceEvent =
'downlink/scheduled' | 'downlink/sent' |
'activations' |
'create' | 'update' | 'delete' |
'down/acks' |
'up/errors' | 'down/errors' | 'activations/errors' |
string // devID
// reference:
export interface IUplinkMessage {
app_id: string
dev_id: string
hardware_serial: string
port: number
counter: number
is_retry: boolean
confirmed: boolean
payload_raw: string
payload_fields?: object
metadata: Metadata
export interface IActivationMessage {
app_eui: string
dev_eui: string
dev_addr: string
metadata: Metadata
export interface IDownlinkMessage {
port: number
payload_raw: {
type: 'Buffer'
data: number[],
interface Metadata {
time: ISODate
frequency: number
modulation: 'LORA' | 'FSK'
data_rate?: string
bit_rate?: number
coding_rate: string
gateways: Gateway[]
latitude?: number
longitude?: number
altitude?: number
type ISODate = string
interface Gateway {
gtw_id: string
timestamp: number
time?: ISODate
channel: number
rssi: number
snr: number
rf_chain: number
latitude: number
longitude: number
altitude: number