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import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import * as handlebars from 'handlebars'
import { application as ttnClient, types as ttn } from 'ttn'
import { VM } from 'vm2'
import { IBridgeOptions } from './BridgeOptions'
* generates payloadfunctions from templates and submits them to TTN
interface IPayloadFunctions<T> {
converter?: T
decoder?: T
encoder?: T
validator?: T
[k: string]: T
export class TTNPayloadFunctionManager {
private ttnClient: ttn.ApplicationClient
private readonly bridgeOpts: IBridgeOptions
private readonly templates: IPayloadFunctions<HandlebarsTemplateDelegate> = {}
constructor(bridgeOpts: IBridgeOptions, templatePaths: IPayloadFunctions<string>) {
this.bridgeOpts = bridgeOpts
// load & precompile each template
for (const func in templatePaths) {
this.templates[func] = handlebars.compile(readFileSync(templatePaths[func], 'utf8'))
public async setPayloadFunctions(): Promise<any> {
const functions = this.generatePayloadFunctions()
if (!this.ttnClient) {
const { applicationID, accessToken } = this.bridgeOpts.ttn
this.ttnClient = await ttnClient(applicationID, accessToken)
return this.ttnClient.setCustomPayloadFunctions(functions)
private generatePayloadFunctions(): IPayloadFunctions<string> {
// validate transformer function for each sensor
// or set default if not defined.
for (const s of this.bridgeOpts.sensors) {
if (s.transformer) {
} else {
s.transformer = this.getDefaultTransformer(s.bytes)
s.transformer = this.wrapTransformer(s.transformer)
// generate the function strings by feeding bridgeOpts to each template
const result: IPayloadFunctions<string> = {}
for (const func in this.templates) {
result[func] = this.templates[func](this.bridgeOpts)
return result
// default transformer interprets all the bytes as little endian integer
// the TTN Payload Function has no Buffer.readUIntLE(), so we roll our own..
private getDefaultTransformer(bytes: number): string {
let expression = 'bytes[0]'
for (let i = 1; i < bytes; i++) {
expression += ` + (bytes[${i}] << ${i * 8})`
return expression
* wrap an expression in a function `(bytes: Buffer) => number`
* @param transformer a string containing a JS expression
private wrapTransformer(transformer: string): string {
return /^function.+/.test(transformer)
? transformer
: `function transform (bytes) {
return ${transformer}
* create a sandbox, set up the target environment and run the transformer.
* if it does not behave, an error is thrown
* @param transformer a string supposed to contain a JS expression
private validateTransformer(transformer: string) {
try {
new VM().run(`
const bytes = Array(100).fill(1);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`invalid transformer function ${transformer}: ${err.message}`)