You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import * as t from 'io-ts'
import { ThrowReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/ThrowReporter'
* type definition of the bridge config, with runtime validation using io-ts
const TTNOptions = t.intersection([
accessToken: t.string,
applicationID: t.string,
t.partial({ options: t.interface({ ca: t.string }) }),
], 'TTNOptions')
const BrokerType = t.keyof({
'SOS:transactional': null,
'SOS:mqtt': null,
// 'SensorThings:mqtt': null,
}, 'BrokerType')
const BrokerOptions = t.intersection([
t.interface({ type: BrokerType }),
t.partial({ options: t.dictionary(t.string, t.string) }),
], 'BrokerOptions')
const Sensor = t.intersection([
bytes: t.Integer,
observedProperty: t.string,
observedPropertyName: t.string,
unitOfMeasurement: t.string,
t.partial({ transformer: t.string }), // proper validation of the JS string happens when parsing
], 'SensorDefinition')
const BridgeOptions = t.intersection([
broker: BrokerOptions,
sensors: t.array(Sensor),
ttn: TTNOptions,
logger: t.any,
], 'BridgeOptions')
// infer the static TS type from the runtime type
export type IBridgeOptions = t.TypeOf<typeof BridgeOptions>
export type ISensorDefinition = t.TypeOf<typeof Sensor>
* validates an object to the IBridgeOptions interface, and throws if invalid
* @param data the options object to validate
export function validate(data: object): void {
const validation = BridgeOptions.decode(data)