You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
2.1 KiB

# Each array element defines one bridge instance.
# Define a new bridge for each sensor configuration (differing by encoding or observed property).
# You can also send the same observations to multiple backends, just copy the configuration and change ``
# Token for the `applicationID`. Requires the scopes `messages`, `settings`
accessToken: ttn-account-v2.J4vfm..........................
# The app_id you registered at TTN
applicationID: sos-example-integration
# The type of backend API to use. supported APIs:
# - SOS:transactional Transactional API must be enabled in SOS!
# - SOS:mqtt more efficient, must be configured, requires development version of 52N SOS
type: SOS:transactional
# Backend options, dependend on `broker.type`
#### For SOS:transactional
# URL to the SOS deployment with
host: http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp
# Optional access token
token: super-secure-token
#### For SOS:mqtt
# no options, must be manually configured via SOS admin interface
# Defines metadata & decoders for the observations that the sensor will transmit.
# The order must be the same as transmitted in the LoRa message format!
# Display name of the observed property
observedPropertyName: Air Temperature
# Definition of the observed property if available
# Unit of measurement associated to `observedProperty`
unitOfMeasurement: Cel
# Amount of bytes to consume for this observation in the LoRa message
bytes: 2
# Defines a function to decode the masked bytes of a LoRa Message into the observed value.
# Must be a valid JavaScript expression, can access the raw message through the bytes[] array.
# If omitted, the bytes are interpreted as little endian integer (LSB first)
transformer: bytes[0] + bytes[1] * 256
observedPropertyName: Bird Count
observedProperty: BirdCount
unitOfMeasurement: Count
bytes: 1